Posted By  Lemon, on

Friends, I’m back & I just checked an item off my preconception checklist:

I’m not going to lie, but I have been dragging my feet getting to the dentist. But I read some pretty major reasons why I should get to the dentist before getting pregnant.

  1. The time is now for those dental x-rays!
  2. It’s important to get any fillings or other dental work taken care of ASAP (sigh).
  3. I have to keep my smile looking its best…OK the last one is my own personal reason!

Remember “good oral health is strongly linked to a healthy pregnancy.”

On a serious note…According to ACOG (The American Congress of Obstrticians and Gynecologists): “Physiologic changes during pregnancy may result in noticeable changes in the oral cavity. These changes include pregnancy gingivitis, benign oral gingival lesions, tooth mobility, tooth erosion, dental caries, and periodontitis. It is important to reassure women about these various changes to the gums and teeth during pregnancy and to reinforce good oral health habits to keep the gums and teeth healthy.” Friends…it’s all about being in the know!

FYI..I also read in The Huffington Post “According to a recent study published by the Journal of Periodontology, gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, or the inflammatory chronic condition that attacks the gums and bone around the teeth, can lead to premature labor and a low-birth weight.” Who would have thought good oral hygiene could have such an impact on my potential pregnancy?

My take away from all this information: oral health is integral to my general health…another lesson learned.

Well, I’m off to brush and floss! (Smile)


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