Let’s be honest, health care teams are busier than ever these days. Throughout our Trimesters we have given you lots of great info to help you have the empowered pregnancy you have always dreamed of. Here’s a recap of the important conditions that your health care team may not have time to tell you about ~ but we will! You need to be in the driver’s seat keeping your pregnancy healthy and safe from day one…
Around 30 weeks, speak with your health care team about the possibility of including two Fetal Non-Stress Tests (NSTs) per week and one Biophysical Profile (BPP) with a Doppler Ultrasound every other week for the remainder of your last trimester. These vital check-ups will provide the opportunity to detect any problems, especially with your baby’s lifeline at this time: the placenta and umbilical cord. This foresight provides peace of mind for you and allows your health care team to make the right decisions for you and your baby.
An amniocentesis, usually done between Weeks 15-20, is a test to check for fetal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, a genetic disorder, or spinal bifida, a neural tube defect, and has been a valuable tool in assessing fetal well-being since the 1970s. If you are at a particular risk for either one of these conditions, you can postpone having an amniocentesis until after you’ve seen the results of your second trimester screenings. An amniocentesis removes about 2 Tbsp. (30 ml.) of the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby for testing. This analysis may be a better choice over CVS if the results of other blood tests (such as the alpha-fetoprotein test) taken during your pregnancy have been abnormal. An amniocentesis may also be ordered during the third trimester of your pregnancy to confirm fetal lung maturity if your doctor is considering an early delivery.
It is the watery fluid surrounding your baby inside the amniotic membrane (sac) and is an essential part of pregnancy and fetal development. This fluid helps shield and guard your baby while performing a significant part in the maturity of many of your baby’s organs such as the lungs, kidneys, and gastrointestinal track.
AF is mainly produced by the excretion of your baby’s urine and the secretion of oral, nasal, tracheal, and pulmonary fluids that move across the placenta and into the mother’s circulatory system. AF rates can vary, usually 500-1000 ml of fluid is present during a normal pregnancy. Did you know that amniotic fluid volume (AFV) increases from about 25 ml at 10 weeks to about 400 ml at 20 weeks and continues to replicate until you have reached 32-33 weeks? Around 28 weeks gestation, the AFV reaches a volume in the region of 800 ml and that level should remain constant until 40 weeks. After 40 weeks, the level usually declines and is around 400 ml by 42 weeks. An Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) of 5-25 centimeters is considered normal and is also a part of the BPP. Too much or too little amniotic fluid may be related to abnormalities in growth and other pregnancy problems.
(also known as hydramnios) occurs when there is too much amniotic fluid around the baby. This condition is present in approximately one percent of all pregnancies. Although there are both maternal and fetal causes of polyhydramnios such as a multiple pregnancy, maternal diabetes, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome or a birth defect, the cause of polyhydramnios is unknown in approximately 65% of those diagnosed. This condition and its possible causes are usually diagnosed with an ultrasound and if detected, your health care provider will recommend a specific treatment plan.
When too much amniotic fluid is present, the mother’s uterus becomes over distended. With close monitoring that includes repeated ultrasounds calculating growth, BPPs, and fetal assessments, many cases of polyhydramnios are easily treated. If polyhydramnios is more serious, your team may use different treatments. Treatments may include administering medications up to Week 32 reducing the fluid production, performing an amnioreduction via amniocentesis that removes excess fluid, or scheduling an early delivery. Close monitoring and the treatment of polyhydramnios may avoid complications such as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), preterm labor, the premature rupture of membranes, which may increase the risk of placental abruption, umbilical cord prolapse with possible compression, and stillbirth.
It is where there is too little amniotic fluid surrounding your baby. It affects about four percent of women and is usually diagnosed during the third trimester. The causes of oligohydramnios may include birth defects, placental problems, leaking or the rupture of membranes, post date pregnancy or maternal complications such as hypertension, diabetes, dehydration, or preeclampsia. If diagnosed during the first half of your pregnancy, more serious complications may result such as birth defects or a greater likelihood of miscarriage or stillbirth. One complication of prolonged deprivation of amniotic fluid is pulmonary hypoplasia, which results in an abnormal or incomplete development of the baby’s lungs.
During the second half of your pregnancy, the complications of oligohydramnios may include IUGR, preterm birth and labor complications such as an increased risk for compression of the umbilical cord and aspiration of thick meconium (your baby’s first bowel movement).
Your baby’s gestational age is important when oligohydramnios is diagnosed because complications such as maternal hypertension, diabetes, or fetal genitourinary tract problems may occur. If diagnosed with oligohydramnios, both you and your baby will be closely monitored. Rigorous fetal biophysical surveillance including NST’s and frequent ultrasound evaluations will examine your baby’s level of mobility.
The treatment for oligohydramnios may be as simple as advising mom to hydrate with fluids orally or intravenously (IV), which may help to ensure that amniotic fluid levels will rise. For more severe cases of oligohydramnios during the antenatal period, an amnio-infusion is now an option. This procedure adds fluid via an intrauterine catheter into the amniotic cavity (however low amniotic fluids levels usually return within 7 days). Ultrasound visualization, made possible by this addition of fluid, may enable your health care team to determine the cause of oligohydramnios, thereby increasing the potential for a favorable outcome at delivery.
If you are near to full term and oligohydramnios endangers your baby’s well being, then an early delivery may be necessary. An amnio-infusion may be performed during labor to help cushion the umbilical cord and reduce the chances of a cesarean section.
Oligohydramnios may cause complications in approximately 12% of pregnancies which go beyond 41 weeks. Pregnancies beyond 42 weeks may suffer from the amniotic fluid level dropping by 50%. For more information on polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios, please visit Medline Plus and the University of Rochester Medical Center.
Moms either have an anterior or posterior placenta, which means that some have their placentas towards the front of the uterus (anterior) and others towards the back (posterior). If your placenta is towards the front (anterior), don’t be alarmed if you are not experiencing or feeling your baby’s movements early in your pregnancy. In fact with this placental position you may not feel as much movement from your baby even in the third trimester. This is because the placenta serves as a cushion between your tummy and your baby, making it more difficult for you to feel movement. Your health care team may also have more trouble hearing your baby’s heartbeat with this placental position especially earlier in your pregnancy. An anterior placental position towards the front of the uterus can also make an amniocentesis more challenging as the needle inserted to remove the fluid will need to avoid the placenta. An anterior placenta in and of itself poses no risk to the health of you and your baby.
In a few short weeks you will be home and putting your baby down to sleep several times a day and throughout the night. Did you know the importance of making your baby’s sleeping environment a safe haven for sleep? According to a new policy statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), “Infants should sleep in the same bedroom as their parents – but on a separate surface, such as a crib or bassinet, and never on a couch, armchair or soft surface — to decrease the risks of sleep-related deaths.” Babies should also “share their parents’ bedroom for at least the first six months and, optimally, for the first year of life, based on the latest evidence.”
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) or Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) is a term used to describe any sudden and unexpected death, whether explained or unexplained occurring during infancy. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a subcategory of SUID and is a cause assigned to infant deaths that cannot be explained after a thorough case investigation.
It’s a fact that Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) that was once cut by 50% is on the rise. It remains the leading cause of death among babies between one month and one year of age. So what can you do to insure you baby is safe when sleeping?
Become familiar with and follow the Safe to Sleep Guidelines recommended by the AAP, a proud partner in the national Back to Sleep Campaign that was spearheaded by the National Institute for Child and Human Development (NICHD).
Creating a safe to sleep environment for your expected baby is easy, logical and fun. There are nineteen guidelines listed in the AAP Policy Statement from November 2016; they are all equally important for you, your baby and everyone who takes care of your baby in any way. You’ll discover why you should place your baby on his or her back only, the problems that bed sharing can cause and the significance of implementing Tummy Time every day to name just a few!
The Recommendations To Reduce the Risk of SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths are:
If you would like further clarification, please refer to SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2016 Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment.
For more information on Safe to Sleep, visit the AAP, NICHD and the CDC.
Did you know that your third trimester of pregnancy is the perfect time to begin to prepare for breastfeeding?
The Breastfeeding Center of Charleston “believes the health of the mother and her newborn are intricately intertwined. For this reason, we will be providing comprehensive, coordinated care to the mother and baby as a unit at the Breastfeeding Center of Charleston. Comprehensive care includes exams for the both the mother and baby to ensure optimal health for the breastfeeding duo. Our team will work closely with the mother’s OBGYN and the baby’s primary pediatrician to provide continuity of care for the breastfeeding duo. We will communicate the plan of care that is rendered at each visit back to the primary providers.” Dr. Bess Milliron MD, FAAP, IBCLC, is Board Certified in Pediatrics, a Fellow of The American Academy of Pediatrics, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and is the Medical Director for the Breastfeeding Center of Charleston. To help insure the optimal breastfeeding experience, Dr. Milliron recommends the following:
For more information on breastfeeding, contact your local hospital, breastfeeding center or the Breastfeeding Center of Charleston today.
Every mom knows the importance of using a car seat once her baby is born. As a matter of fact, hospitals will not allow you to take your baby home unless he or she is securely buckled up in your car upon discharge. But did you know the importance of keeping your baby safe in utero while you drive? A recent study led by Catherine J. Vladutiu, PhD., Department of Epidemiology at Gilling School of Global Pubic Health, University of North Carolina, was recently published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine. The study indicated that motor vehicle accidents are the primary cause of trauma to pregnant women that result in adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preterm birth, placental abruption, premature rupturing of membranes and stillbirth. These adverse outcomes rise alarmingly after one accident due to factors such as mom not wearing her seat belt or the vehicle not being equipped with an air bag. A University of Michigan study found that approximately 370 unborn babies die in motor vehicle accidents every year surpassing the number of babies aged from birth to one year who lose their lives yearly in similar crashes. The study also determined that approximately 200 fetuses could be saved if pregnant women used their seatbelts correctly.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations (NHTSA) has provided the following safety driving tips which can help protect you and your unborn baby:
If you are the passenger, sit in the back seat if possible, it’s safer there. If you are in the front seat, move your seat back as far as possible.
Install your car seat at least three weeks before your baby is due and have it checked by a Certified Car Seat Technician.
Now is the time to think about enrolling in childbirth classes, as well as toddler, sibling and infant CPR classes. These classes are not usually offered weekly so it’s important to plan ahead, register early and have all classes completed six weeks before baby’s due date. Begin your research now in order to locate classes which will suit your schedule.
If you are over 35, have a family history of a genetic disorder, or have had a chromosomal abnormality in a previous pregnancy, you may want to consider having a Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS). This is an invasive diagnostic test performed by sampling the chorionic villus from the placenta. These villi, which actually form the placenta and share the baby’s genetics, were first seen developing in Week 6.
This testing will reveal genetic disorders such as Tay-Sachs disease, Cystic Fibrosis or a chromosomal abnormality such as Down syndrome. It will not test for neural tube defects such as spina bifida. You should discuss with your health care team the decision of whether or not to have this test done. Although this sampling will provide important information regarding your baby’s health, its risks must be clearly explained and disclosed. CVS can be performed earlier than an amniocentesis and the results will be available sooner. This early test usually performed during Weeks 11-13 will put your fears to rest sooner, and provide more time to plan and prepare for your child’s condition.
An amniocentesis, usually done between Weeks 15-20, is a test to check for fetal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, a genetic disorder, or spinal bifida, a neural tube defect, and has been a valuable tool in assessing fetal well-being since the 1970s. If you are at a particular risk for either one of these conditions, you can postpone having an amniocentesis until after you’ve seen the results of your second trimester screenings.
An amniocentesis removes about 2 Tbsp. (30 ml.) of the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby for testing. This analysis may be a better choice over CVS if the results of other blood tests (such as the alpha-fetoprotein test) taken during your pregnancy have been abnormal. An amniocentesis may also be ordered during the third trimester of your pregnancy to confirm fetal lung maturity if your doctor is considering an early delivery.
Both tests, when performed before Week 20, carry the following risk of miscarriage: one in 200. CVS could introduce GBS into the uterine cavity and amniocentesis could make a point of entry into the placenta for GBS. Please discuss the risks with your care provider before undergoing either of these procedures. For more information on CVS or amniocentesis, visit MedlinePlus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
The MaterniT® 21 PLUS is a genetic blood test that can be performed earlier than a CVS or an amniocentesis. With no threat of miscarriage, this test may be drawn as early as Week 10. The results will determine if your baby is at risk for various genetic anomalies such as Down syndrome or Trisomy 18. Although it doesn’t rule out all genetic abnormalities, it is noninvasive, carries a high accuracy rate (99.1%), a low false positive rate (0.2%), and lets you know the sex of your baby. Early testing allows extra time to ask questions, schedule further tests, make an appointment with a maternal fetal specialist or perinatologist, and most importantly, more time to prepare and plan if a genetic abnormality is found. Speak with your health care team about this new approach if genetic testing is recommended.
Have you heard about Cord Blood Stem Cells? Stem cells are the building blocks of the body, and have the ability to create our organs, blood, tissue, and the immune system. Stem cells can be found in places like bone marrow and fat tissue, but the youngest, most flexible stem cells in the body come from the umbilical cord.
Cord blood stem cells are not embryonic stem cells, so collecting, storing, and using them is not controversial. You have three options for your baby’s cord blood:
No matter what you decide, it’s important to make a decision about saving or donating your baby’s cord blood stem cells well before your due date. You only have one chance to collect and store your baby’s newborn stem cells and that is immediately after birth. Cord blood stem cells can be collected once the umbilical cord is clamped and cut. It’s a simple, safe and painless process following either a vaginal or caesarean birth.
To learn how cord blood is collected, processed and stored, enjoy this simple video on cord blood banking, “What expectant parents should know about the collection process.”
To further your knowledge on all aspects of saving your baby’s cord blood stem cells and read reviews on the Top Cord Blood Banks to help you select the company that is best for you, please visit Consumer Affairs.
For more information on donating your baby’s cord blood stem cells, please visit the National Bone Marrow Program, Be The Match.
Your medical team will also be able to determine where your baby’s umbilical cord is attached to the placenta. An ideal location is called a central insertion site. This is where the umbilical cord is attached to the very center of the placenta. It provides the healthiest attachment and allows your baby to easily receive oxygen and nutrients when compared to the other two types. The cord can have a marginal insertion site or be velamentous. Both of these conditions are considered abnormal and can cause other complications. It is important to know this attachment early in your pregnancy.
If you are diagnosed with a marginal or a velamentous insertion site, your pregnancy will be and should be closely monitored. Your medical team will want to check on your baby often and most likely, you will have more prenatal visits, ultrasounds, Fetal Non Stress Tests (NSTs), and Biophysical Profiles (BPPs). These abnormal attachments can cause problems, and do create enough of a concern for more frequent monitoring.
Pregnancy is a time of great joy and excitement. However, when a global pandemic affects the world, expectant moms must take extreme caution and be vigilant.
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain that had not been previously identified in humans.
COVID-19, pregnancy and vaccinations are now at the forefront of prenatal care. So what should you do in these unchartered waters? Before you make any decisions, you should discuss the risks and benefits of taking this new vaccine with your health care provider. Only your health care provider can supply you with information regarding COVID-19 and potential vaccines, based on your specific health needs.
Dr. Ilona T. Goldfarb, MD, MPH, a contributing author to the Harvard Health Blog, recently provided the following guidance:
“COVID-19 vaccination for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding has potential benefits, and raises some as yet unanswered questions. It helps to become as informed as you can when making your decision, but realize that information may be changing rapidly. We will be learning more about COVID vaccine safety during pregnancy and while breastfeeding from animal studies now underway, and from human studies that are enrolling participants.
Meanwhile, you can stay informed by checking trusted health websites, such as those listed below, and talking with your healthcare providers. Together you can balance the latest data on risks of COVID-19 in pregnancy, the safety of available vaccines, your individual risk factors and exposures, and most importantly, your values and preferences.“
For more information on pregnancy and the Covid vaccine please visit the CDC, ACOG, SMFM, UChicagoMedicine and Harvard Health Publishing.
According to infectious disease expert Amesh A. Adalja, MD, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, all pregnant women should be aware of the symptoms of COVID-19. Symptoms may include:
This list is not all inclusive. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) believes at this time that symptoms of COVID-19 may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 days after exposure. The CDC states that the risk of COVID-19 infection increases with age, obesity (A BMI of 30 or higher) and if you are pregnant.
The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. The CDC recommends:
Dr. Christopher Robinson MD, MSCR, FACOG is a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist and a member of Project Alive & Kicking’s Medical Advisory Committee (MAC.) He recommends the following guidelines for his pregnant patients:
Dr. Robinson’s encourages his patients to visit his Facebook page with recommendations for going shopping and outside the home. He advises, “So much will change as rates of COVID-19 go up.”
Dr. Robinson shares PAK’s My Empowered Pregnancy Checklist brochure (in English & Spanish) and PAK’s Mom & Baby Tracking Chart (in English & Spanish) with his patients. He’s a proponent of PAK’s app ME Pregand encourages his patients to keep track of their pregnancies especially movement counting using ME Preg.
With the rapid spread of COVID-19 globally, CDC, WHO, and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) pregnancy guidelines are constantly changing.
Pregnant women must be proactive. They need to be aware of the symptoms of COVID-19 and take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and their babies. Expectant mothers should be extremely attentive to their health if they have a preexisting condition such as diabetes, hypertension or asthma to name a few.
Dr. Robinson’s offices are following ACOG’s algorithm for COVID-19 and continuing their usual standards of care with seeing moms on a routine basis. If patients are “High Risk” they may be asked to check their blood pressure and weight at home. Ultrasounds are given depending on the indication such as decreased fetal movements. Movement/Kick Counting is done routinely in the third trimester.
Experts anticipate changes in obstetrical practices; such as fewer prenatal visits and faster postpartum discharges. Dr. Robinson has now been using Telemedicine for three to four weeks for visits that do not require an ultrasound.
As COVID-19 cases continues to surge, it’s feared that hospitals might soon ban visitors from their maternity wards, as several hospitals did briefly in New York and are currently doing so in Los Angeles. At this time in Charleston, South Carolina one partner or spouse can be present for delivery assuming they do not screen positive for COVID-19 according to Dr. Robinson.
A CDC edict recommends that if a mother shows symptoms of COVID-19, she will be separated and quarantined from her baby. “The CDC is recommending a seven-day separation, but it’s a tough one, and it keeps changing,” said Dr. Sarah Kilpatrick, chair of obstetrics and gynecology at Cedars-Sinai and an expert in maternal fetal medicine. “The patient can refuse, but we are hoping to encourage her to accept.”
Every pregnant mom must be informed of how COVID-19 is impacting her hospital and how these changes may impact her carefully thought out birth plan.
If you are planning on breastfeeding your baby, for information on how COVID-19 may impact breastfeeding, contact your local hospital, breastfeeding center or visit the Breastfeeding Center of Charleston on Facebook for the most current guidelines.
If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include*:
Call 911 if you have a medical emergency. Notify the operator that you have or think you might have COVID-19. If possible, put on a facemask before medical help arrives.
*This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning.
Antiviral treatments and antimalarials for the COVID-19 infection are being researched and tested now. If you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Follow care instructions from your healthcare provider and local health department. Your local health authorities may give instructions on checking your symptoms and reporting information.
COVID-19 is a globally emerging, rapidly evolving situation. For the latest information and updates on COVID-19, please visit the CDC, WHO and ACOG.
El embarazo es un tiempo de alegría y ansiedad. Sin embargo, cuando una pandemia global impacta al mundo, las madres embarazadas deben tomar precauciones extremas y ser muy cuidadosas.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dice que los coronavirus (CoV) son una familia de virus que causan enfermedades que incluyen un resfriado o enfermedades más serias. El virus nuevo (COVID-19) es un nuevo tipo de coronavirus que no había sido identificado antes en los seres humanos.
COVID-19, embarazo, y vacunas son ahora parte del primer plano del cuidado prenatal. Así que, ¿qué deberías de hacer en este caso? (or replace en este caso for “en estos caminos no andados” if you want to be casual, and basically say what you did on the original post). Antes de que tomes cualquier decisión, debes platicar con tu proveedor de salud sobre los riesgos y beneficios de recibir esta nueva vacuna. Únicamente tu proveedor de salud puede ofrecerte información al respecto de COVID-19 y posibles vacunas, basándose en tus necesidades de salud especificas.
La Dra Ilona T. Goldfarb, MD, MPH, autora contribuyente en el Blog de Salud de Harvard recientemente compartió las siguientes recomendaciones:
La vacuna contra el COVID-19 tiene beneficios potenciales para personas que están embarazadas o amamantando, y saca a la luz aún preguntas sin respuestas. Es de ayuda que te mantengas tan informado como puedas cuando tomes tu decisión, pero ten en cuenta que la información puede cambiar rápidamente. Estaremos sabiendo más sobre la seguridad de la vacuna contra el COVID durante el embarazo y la lactancia materna ya que se están llevando estudios en animales, así como estudios en humanos.
Mientras tanto, mantente informado revisando páginas web de salud de confianza, así como las que se listan debajo, y platicando con tu proveedor de salud. Juntos pueden poner en una balanza la información más reciente sobre los riesgos de sufrir COVID-19 durante el embarazo, la seguridad de las vacunas disponibles, los factores de riesgo de cada persona, y la exposición, y aún más importante, tus valores y preferencias.
Para más información sobre el embarazo y la vacuna COVID, por favor visita CDC, ACOG, SMFM, UChicagoMedicine y Harvard Health Publishing.
Según el experto médico de enfermedades infecciosas Amesh A. Adalja, MD, del Centro de Seguridad Sanitaria Johns Hopkins, todas las mujeres embarazadas deben ser conscientes de los síntomas de COVID – 19. Síntomas pueden incluir:
Esta lista no es del todo inclusiva. El Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés) cree que, en este momento, los síntomas de COVID -19 aparecen dentro de dos días hasta catorce días después de que haya exposición al virus.
La mejor manera de prevenir una infección de COVID – 19 es evitar la exposición a este virus. El CDC recomienda que:
El Dr. Christopher Robinson MD, MSCR, FACOG es un especialista de medicina maternofetal y es un miembro de comité de consulta (MAC) de Project Alive and Kicking (PAK). Él recomienda lo siguiente a sus pacientes embarazadas:
El Dr. Robinson recomienda que visite su página de Facebook para leer las recomendaciones para ir de compras o de salir de la casa. Él aconseja, “va a haber muchos cambios si los ndices de COVID – 19 suben.”
El Dr. Robinson comparte PAK’s My Empowered Pregnancy Checklist / Lista del Embarazo (en inglés y en español) y PAK’s Mom & Baby Tracking Chart / Registro de Movimientos del Bebé (en inglés y en español) con sus pacientes. Él es promotor r de la aplicación app de PAK ME Preg y anima a sus pacientes a que guarden un registro de sus embarazos y movimientos fetales usando la app ME Preg.
Con la propagación rápida de COVID – 19 globalmente, las instrucciones durante el embarazo del CDC, OMS,y del Colegio Americano de Obstetras y Ginecólogos (ACOG) están cambiando constantemente.
Las mujeres embarazadas deben ser proactivas. Necesitan darse cuenta de los síntomas de COVID – 19 y tomar precauciones necesarias para protegerse y a sus bebés. Las madres deben estar atentas a su salud si tienen condiciones preexistentes como diabetes, hipertensión o asma, entre otras.
El consultorio del Dr. Robinson sigue el algoritmo de ACOG para COVID-19 y continúa sus estándares de cuidado usuales con las madres en una rutina regular. Si las pacientes tienen mayor riesgo ellos posiblemente les pediran que se revisen la presión y su peso en casa. Ultrasonidos son dados dependiendo si hay reducción de movimientos fetales. Se deben de contar los movimientos y las patadas del bebé con regularidad en el tercer trimestre.
Los expertos anticipan cambios en las prácticas obstétricas; tales como menos visitas prenatales, y alta posparto rápida del hospital. ElDr. Robinson ahora ha usado “telemedicina” durante tres o cuatro semanas para las visitas que no requieren ultrasonido.
Como los casos de COVID – 19 continúan subiendo, se teme que los hospitales prohibirán a los visitantes en los pabellones de maternidad, como lo hicieron en muchos hospitales en Nueva York por un rato, y como lo hacen en actualidad en Los Ángeles. En este momento, en Charleston, South Carolina; un esposo o compañero/a puede estar presente durante el parto suponiendo que no tienen una examen positivo de COVID – 19, según el Dr. Robinson.
Un decreto del CDC recomienda que una mamá que tiene síntomas de COVID – 19 estará en cuarentena de su bebé. La Dra. Sarah Kilpatrick, presidente de obstetricia y ginecología en Cedars-Sinai y experta en la medicina materno fetal, dice que el CDC está recomendando una cuarentena de siete días. “La paciente puede rechazar la cuarentena, pero estamos esperando que la acepte.”
Cada mujer que está embarazada debe ser informada sobre cómo COVID – 19 puede afectar el amamantamiento. Contacte a su hospital local, el centro para lactancia maternao visite the Breastfeeding Center of Charleston en Facebook para las más recientes indicaciones.
Si usted desarrolla señales de alerta de COVID – 19, busque atención médica inmediatamente. Las señales de alerta incluyen:
Llame al 911 si tiene una emergencia médica. Notifique el operador que Ud. tiene o piensa que tiene el COVID – 19. Si es posible, póngase un tapaboca antes de que lleguen los paramédicos.
*Esta lista no es inclusiva del todo. Por favor, consulte con su proveedor médico para otros síntomas que sean graves o que le preocupen.
Tratamientos antivirales y antimalariales contra infección de COVID – 19 están siendo investigados y probados. Si piensa que ha sido expuesto a COVID – 19, contacte a su proveedor médico inmediatamente. Siga instrucción de cuidado de su proveedor médico y de su departamento de salud local. Sus autoridades de salud locales pueden dar instrucciones sobre revisión de síntomas y reportar información.
COVID – 19 es una situación global, emergente y está evolucionando rápidamente. Para la información más reciente y la actualización de COVID – 19, por favor visite el CDC, WHO y ACOG.
“Most women who notice a decrease in movement will still have a healthy outcome,” says Obstetrician-Gynecologist Ruth Fretts, M.D., MPH, Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and Chair of the Stillbirth Review Committee at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “The biggest concern is when it happens repeatedly.” Dr. Fretts reminds every mom that as her pregnancy advances and her expected baby has less space, the movements won’t be as strong and obvious. But if it takes you more than two hours to count 10 movements, your health care team should be called. She says a Fetal Non-Stress Test (NST) is necessary to confirm your baby’s heart rate, “This rules out a life-threatening emergency, but it doesn’t address the underlying reason for decreased movement.”
Dr. Fretts says an ultrasound may add additional clarification. Unfortunately in the United States ultrasounds will be performed only about 20% of the time in these situations, so mom will need to assert her proactive skillfulness requesting one is done. With a normal NST, movement counting should be completed and charted every day. Mom should never hesitate to be evaluated every time a problem is perceived. If the thought of counting and charting your baby’s movements makes you nervous, remember that movement counting is the safest and easiest course of action that every mom can take to monitor her baby’s movements on a daily basis. This simple concept is also free and non-invasive. Studies inform us that being attentive to your baby’s movements and informing your health care team of any changes such as speeding up or slowing down, or changes in sleep-wake cycles will decrease the likelihood of having a stillbirth. Ask your health care team about the signs that your baby may not be well and their protocol for such signs.
Antenatal (or Prenatal) Depression is depression during pregnancy. Not only is it common, it may also continue or newly manifest as Perinatal Mood And Anxiety Disorder (PMAD) which encompasses a wide range of mood disorders after delivery and up to year after your baby is born. You may have signs of depression but not even be aware that you are depressed. It’s estimated that approximately 13 percent of pregnant women and new mothers experience depression. Every woman may have a few days where she feels sad, blue or down in the dumps. However with depression, the sad, anxious or empty feelings do not go away and your day-to-day routine and lifestyle changes because of these emotions. Your depression may present simply as feelings of unhappiness and gloom, or possibly spiral to feelings of overwhelming guilt, uncontainable hysteria or thoughts of inflicting harm on yourself or your baby.
Depression is a mental illness that does tend to run in families. If you or your family has a history of depression or other mental illness, you may be more likely to experience depression during or after pregnancy. There is no single cause for depression. Your depression may be triggered by a combination of factors including the stressful events of everyday life. Maybe you are young, single and pregnant, experiencing a lack of support from your family and friends, a victim of physical abuse, or facing marriage or money difficulties. Perhaps there is substance abuse or a problematic pregnancy and birth in your past. Do you have anxious or negative feelings about your present condition? Are you caring for an aging family member or have you just lost a loved one? Unfortunately, any of these variables may become a trigger for your depression during or following pregnancy.
Women are at a greater risk of depression at certain times in their lives than men, and with some women hormonal factors may contribute to their depression. Research tells us that hormonal changes occurring within the brain chemistry that controls our emotions and mood may play a large role in depression.
Prenatal Depression
Growing up you may have experienced depressive symptoms right before menstruation. Some women experience depression during and following pregnancy because when pregnant, levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone surge. Then, in the first 24 hours after childbirth, hormone levels quickly return to normal levels leading researchers to believe that these extreme changes in hormone levels may lead to depression. Women may also experience hormonal and mood fluctuations during perimenopause.
It is normal to feel symptoms of mild depression-like feelings during and after pregnancy, but if your baby blues don’t go away after two weeks or you have any of the following symptoms for more than two weeks, you should speak to your health care team. Sadly, some women don’t tell anyone about their symptoms, worrying that they will be viewed as unfit parents. They feel embarrassed, ashamed, or guilty about feeling depressed when they are supposed to feel overjoyed at this time in their lives.
Symptoms of Prenatal and Postnatal Depression You may experience:
Your symptoms will provide the basis for an accurate diagnosis from your health care team. Your doctor will ask the necessary questions to test for depression and may also refer you to a mental health professional that specializes in treating depression. Please know that depression does improve with treatment.
If you are already on medication for depression, stopping your medicine when you become pregnant or are breastfeeding could cause your depression to come back. You must be open and honest with your health care team regarding your depression and pregnancy. Do not stop any prescribed medicine without first talking to your doctor as not taking it could be harmful to you or your baby.
Untreated depression during pregnancy can hurt you and your developing baby, as you will have a difficult time caring for yourself. Depression may cause you to eat poorly, not gain adequate weight and suffer from insomnia. You may miss vital prenatal visits, become incapable of following medical instruction and even begin using harmful substance such as tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs. Your baby may be small for his or her gestational age (SGA) and be born prematurely. Receiving professional treatment is important for both you and your baby.
Depression Treatment
In a recent study in the May issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology, researchers found that women with the symptoms of depression were associated with a 27 percent increased risk of delivering their babies before 37 weeks gestation, an 82 percent increased risk of delivering their babies before 32 weeks gestation, and a 28 percent increased risk of having a SGA baby. But they also discovered that approximately one fifth of the expectant women that were treated with antidepressants for depression had no association with the increased risks for any of these problems with their babies.
Dr. Kartik K. Venkatesh M.D., Ph.D., the study’s lead author and Clinical Fellow in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology at Harvard states, “By screening early in pregnancy, you could identify those at higher risk and counsel them about the importance of treatment. Treating these women for depression may have real benefits.” Screening mothers early for depression is the key to not only their health but also that of their expected babies.
Following a diagnosis of depression, your may be treated with Talk Therapy that involves visiting a therapist, psychologist, or social worker to learn to change how depression makes you think, feel, and act. Or an Antidepressant Medication may be prescribed to relieve the symptoms of your depression. These treatment methods can be used alone or together. Talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks of taking medication while you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Other therapies such as exercise, acupuncture and support groups may be helpful.
Perinatal Mood And Anxiety Disorder (PMAD)
Did you realize that 1 in 5 women are diagnosed with mood disorders in the postpartum setting? Melissa Whippo, L.C.S.W. a Clinical Social Worker at the University of California, San Francisco’s (UCSF) Pregnancy and Postpartum Mood Assessment Clinic works with pregnant and postpartum women. She meets with women not only during pregnancy and after delivery, but also at any stage of their fertility process. Ms. Whippo emphasizes the single term “postpartum depression” fails to encompass the range of mood disorders women commonly experience in the postpartum setting, and although PMAD doesn’t roll off the tongue so easily, it is a more accurate description of depression in the postpartum period according to Ms. Whippo.
Untreated PMAD limits the ability of a new mom to parent. The symptoms of PMAD last longer and are more severe than depression during pregnancy. You may experience decreased energy, the inability to focus, moodiness and be incapable or disinterested in meeting your baby’s needs. You may also experience thoughts of hurting your baby or hurting yourself. Your feelings of guilt and losing confidence in yourself as a new mother will exacerbate your depression.
Researchers believe PMAD also affects your baby in numerous ways. It can cause your baby to have developmental language delays, difficulties with mother-child bonding, behavior problems and increased crying.
It’s not a well-known fact that low levels of thyroid hormones might mimic PMAD after you give birth as these levels may drop. Thyroid hormones regulate how your body uses and stores energy from food. Low levels of your body’s thyroid hormones may cause symptoms of depression. A simple blood test can tell if this condition is causing your symptoms. If so, your doctor can prescribe thyroid medicine.
Kristin Sample, writer, teacher, dancer and blogger immediately began her postpartum journey with extreme anxiousness and a quick weight loss of 25 pounds within the first two weeks of delivering her son Jackson. She wondered if this amazing feat was the result of breast-feeding, pumping and healthy eating? In her heart, she realized something did not seem right.
Just two months later Kristen’s symptoms were reversed and she began experiencing relentless fatigue and effortless weight gain. Like many women in her situation, Kristin’s internist dismissed her new concerns of exceptionally low energy and unusually easy weight gain offering her Xanax and a consultation with a therapist for postpartum depression instead.
A simple blood test with her OB six months later revealed thyroid levels so low that Kristen’s doctor wondered how she could get herself out of bed in the morning and keep moving throughout the day. She learned that her initial extreme anxiousness and immediate weight loss occurring in the days following the birth of her son was the result of Postpartum Thyroiditis, a condition causing mild hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) symptoms.
The undiagnosed postpartum thyroiditis Kristen initially experienced gave way to Hashimoto’s Disease, a potentially more serious and chronic thyroid condition in which the thyroid becomes underactive (hypothyroid). Medication was prescribed that enabled her to loose weight and increase her energy levels. An endocrinologist closely monitored Kristen’s second pregnancy adjusting her medication monthly as the thyroid is vital in helping the body stay pregnant. A mismanaged thyroid condition may result in miscarriage and stillbirth and is often undiagnosed until surrounding a pregnancy.
Every mom throughout her pregnancy journey must listen to her body and take care of herself. This will ensure that she stays in good health. The early days with a newborn can be draining for every new parent. Once your baby’s sleep schedule begins to normalize and you still do not feel like yourself before your pregnancy, speak with your doctor about PMAD or a possible thyroid problem. A simple blood test may just make all the difference!
Postpartum Anxiety Disorder
When you are a new mom, a certain level of anxiety is normal. However, when your anxiety starts to affect your ability to take care of yourself or your baby, it is time to see a medical professional for treatment. It’s estimated that about ten percent of new moms develop a significant anxiety disorder following delivery day. Postpartum Anxiety Disorder is manifested by an inability to relax and be still, racing thoughts, nonstop worrying, nausea, vertigo and faintness, and changes in sleep and appetite.
Postpartum Psychosis
Postpartum Psychosis for a new mom is rare but does exist. It occurs in about 1 to 4 out of every 1,000 births beginning in the first two weeks following delivery. Women who have bipolar disorder or another mental health problem called schizoaffective disorder have a higher risk for postpartum psychosis. Symptoms may include seeing things that aren’t there, confusion, rapid mood swings and trying to hurt yourself or your new baby.
Other PMAD Disorders
Postpartum Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) manifests as having unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead to a repetitive type of behavior. Developing OCD during or after pregnancy can be terrifying for women for many reasons but mainly because of the intrusive nature of repetitive thoughts. About three to five percent of new moms will experience OCD during their pregnancy or following delivery day. Intrusive thoughts such as, “What if I drop the baby, What if I forget the baby? or What if I stab the baby?” may plague an expectant or new mother.
Although a blessed event, childbirth can be traumatic for some moms. Postpartum Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is more common in women who have had a problematic childbirth (including miscarriage, stillbirth, unplanned C-section, prolapsed cord, forceps deliver, or transfer of the newborn to the NICU), and in women who worry about childbirth, have experienced prior childbirth trauma, or have a history of PTSD. Symptoms may include constant anxiety, nightmares, avoiding people and places, and flashbacks to the traumatic experience.
Support During Depression
To be proactive, alleviate or help relieve the symptoms of depression during and after pregnancy, you may want to consider these helpful tips:
If you are diagnosed with PMAD following your baby’s arrival, please realize that you are not alone and you are not to blame and with help you will feel like yourself again. It is vital to recognize your symptoms and seek the help of a qualified professional before your condition intensifies.
If you are feeling depressed before, during pregnancy or after having your baby, don’t suffer alone. Please tell a loved one and call your health care team right away!
To learn more about depression before, during and after pregnancy, or for a list of organizations ready to assist you, please visit or call:
A Doppler Ultrasound checks the blood flow within the umbilical cord. A healthy umbilical cord will have two arteries, one vein, be the proper length and contain adequate Wharton’s Jelly. Wharton’s Jelly is a specialized tissue which serves many purposes for the developing fetus. Its specialized cells contain gelatin-like mucus that encase fibers. These properties give it an elastic and cushiony effect, which can tolerate the vibration, bending, stretching and twisting of an active fetus. In addition, it holds the vessels together, may regulate blood flow, plays a role in providing nutrition to the fetus, stores chemistry for the onset of labor, and protects the supply line. The Doppler Ultrasound may be more pivotal for umbilical cords that have only one artery, but it can also alert your health care team to other umbilical cord issues such as a knot, a kink, twisting or torsion, a nuchal cord and a short or long cord. This simple procedure tests the velocity and direction of the blood flow.
If your baby has not arrived on time, please don’t be surprised or upset. Many moms have babies past Week 40; this is a crucial time during pregnancy as the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby is beginning to decrease and the placental function needed to sustain your baby’s life may be beginning to slow. You will need to discuss with your health care team the probability of when to expect your baby’s arrival or the possibility of planning your baby’s delivery day.
Ask, specifically, how long beyond your expected due date you will be allowed to wait if labor does not begin spontaneously? What additional monitoring will be implemented? Will special tests such as NSTs’ be performed on a daily basis? Will you have weekly or more frequent BPPs’? Is an induction necessary and if so, when? What exactly is involved in an induction? What about scheduling a C-Section? What is your health care team’s overall plan? What is their protocol?
Sometimes the birth plan doesn’t go exactly as planned or even desired. If your plan becomes altered, you should be educated and familiar with your options ahead of time. This will help ensure that you are comfortable making the very best decisions for you and your baby with your team.
A healthy outcome for you and your baby is paramount after the 40-week gestational marker has elapsed. Pay extremely close attention to any changes in your or your baby’s health; this is key. Contact your health care team at any time with any questions or concerns you have until your baby is safely in your arms. Don’t forget to do your movement counting three times a day! Dr. Collins advocates an ultrasound be done if decreased fetal movements are noted for a day.
A proactive, vigilant mom will feel empowered to ask her health care team the simple, yet important questions that can make a difference in her baby’s health. PAK strives to empower expectant moms by educating them about healthy pregnancies, fostering an awareness of their babies’ daily fetal movements, and the actions they can take to help ensure their babies come into the world safe and healthy.
“Estimated Placental Volume (EPV) should be incorporated into prenatal care” explains Yale Researcher, Harvey J. Kliman, MD, PhD. Dr. Kliman is the Director of the Reproductive and Placental Research Unit Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yale University School of Medicine and a member of PAK’s Medical Advisory Committee (MAC.) EPV is calculated using a simple 2-dimensional ultrasound to assess the ratio of baby to placenta. Kliman states, “Docs should know about abnormal placentas. Not knowing anything about a placenta is like driving a car without a gas gauge!”
It’s during Week 6 that minuscule tassel-like fingers called Chorionic Villi are forming on the outer layer of the embryo becoming the first part of your baby’s lifeline to you. These tiny structures will collectively in time form the placenta. While the placenta is growing, the second part of your baby’s critically essential lifeline, the umbilical cord, is also developing. In order for your baby to flourish in utero, both the placenta and umbilical cord must be watched and monitored throughout your pregnancy to help ensure continued wellbeing and a healthy delivery.
So why measure the placenta? Did you know that a standard prenatal ultrasound typically measures the baby, internal organs and placenta location – but not placenta size? It’s a scientific fact that a baby can outgrow his or her placenta anytime during pregnancy. A small placenta will not provide the nutrients and oxygen necessary to survive and thrive in utero. EPV is a placental screening tool that’s easily calculated during ultrasounds between Weeks 7 and 40 by your health care team. The potential to save lives by drawing attention and awareness to EPV will help close this alarming gap in prenatal care.
Measuring your baby’s placenta is quick and easy! Your health care team will take three simple measurements of the placenta everytime you have an ultrasound. The width, height and thickness measurements are input into Merwins Calculator, a FREE app for both iPhone and iPad and Android Smart Phones designed by Dr. Kliman and his father, Merwin Kliman. Merwin’s Calculator calculates the volume of a spherical cap from an imaginary cross section through the middle of the cap using a complex polynomial. In simple terms, the spherical cap, placed against the normative curve for placenta size by gestational age, gives you your baby’s EPV.
This is how it works:
A small placenta may present complications that do not occur suddenly. Recent research at Akershus University Hospital (Ahus) in Norway conducted by Dr. Sandra Larsen highlights a newly found link between the weight of the placenta and the risk of preeclampsia, a condition that can be very serious for both mother and baby. She also noted that the placental size indicates an increased risk of preeclampsia in future pregnancies.
One complication of a significantly small placenta determined by EPV is Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). IUGR means that the baby is smaller than expected for the number of gestational weeks, weighs less than 9 out of 10 babies of the same gestational age, and the overall size of the baby and the growth of organs, tissues, and cells may also be affected.
An undiagnosed small placenta can have devastating results. The most severe being an intrauterine fetal demise (stillbirth.) “A placenta that is smaller or larger than normal in relation to the child’s birth weight increases the risk of fetal death,” states Dr. Larsen. These losses can be swift and unexpected as there are not always reduced movements or warning signs; too often these losses go unexplained.
Approximately half of the stillbirths in the United States result from conditions affecting the placenta. Based on current stillbirth rates, measuring the placenta has the potential to prevent thousands of stillbirths each year.
Advocating for yourself and your baby is paramount! Measure the Placenta recognizes the opportunity of saving tiny lives by incorporating EPV measurements into standard prenatal care. Turing their devastating losses into proactivity, this organization’s amazing mothers and fathers locked arms with concerned citizens, researchers and providers to fulfill their mission by prudently informing every pregnant mom of the significance of measuring her baby’s placenta from her very first ultrasound!
If you would like to request that EPV be incorporated into your care or encourage your health care team to add EPV into their pregnancy ultrasounds or connect with one mom as she describes how her son became A Life Saved by Measuring the Placenta, Measure the Placenta is the perfect resource for you!
Your health care team may be interested in collecting your EPV data during your pregnancy and participating in an exciting EPV research study with Dr. Kliman. This study allows patients to share their EPV measurement data for ongoing research on the relationship between placental volume and a healthy pregnancy. The EPV ResearchKit app is free to download from the App Store. This app will not give you an EPV reading, but is designed to collect data during pregnancy. For an EPV reading, you will need to use Merwin’s Calculator app. The EPV ResearchKit App is not available for Android users presently.
Speak with your health care team about becoming part of this exciting new study to ensure the wellbeing of your baby while proactively helping to secure your baby’s health on delivery day.
To learn more about the vital role of the placenta and the importance of keeping up-to-date with placental measurements at every ultrasound, visit Measure the Placenta and Dr. Kliman.
Just about all women can and should be physically active throughout pregnancy. Exercise during pregnancy is safe and often recommended although some modification to your workouts may be needed due to natural anatomic and physiologic changes and your baby’s fetal requirements. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) encourages women with uncomplicated pregnancies to engage in aerobic and strength-conditioning exercises prior to conception and following delivery.
It’s important that you consult with your health care team, especially if you have any medical condition such as high blood pressure, diabetes, anemia, bleeding, or any other disorder, or if you are obese or underweight before you begin an exercise regime. Whether or not you were physically active before you became pregnant is important for your team to know so they may advise a safe level of exercise for you.
An eventual goal of moderate-intensity exercise lasting from 20 to 30 minutes per day on many, if not every day of the week should be developed and adjusted as needed. ACOG acknowledges that there are several different types of safe exercises ranging from simply walking to swimming to stationary cycling to low-impact aerobics. Yoga or Pilates are acceptable as long as you make sure they are modified, meaning that the positions you use during your session do not decreasing the venous return to your heart causing hypotension. Running, jogging, racquet sports and strength training are also acceptable to engage in as long as you have participated regularly in these activities prior to your pregnancy. It must be noted that playing racquet sports involves rapid movements and quick changes of your balance. So because these two factors pose an increased risk in falling, it is advised they are avoided as much as possible during pregnancy.
ACOG also recommends avoiding contact sports such as ice hockey, boxing, soccer and basketball. Activities with a high risk of falling such as downhill snow skiing, water skiing; surfing, off-road cycling, gymnastics and horseback riding should also be waived during pregnancy. Scuba diving, sky diving and Hot yoga or hot Pilates should also be put on the list of activities to forgo. Your pregnancy journey will be all the more amazing for both you and your baby when it’s boosted by the energy of exercise!
Babies love to hiccup! Light, recurring and sequential patterns are what you will notice at first. Later in your pregnancy, your baby’s hiccups will become robust and recognizable. Although most babies have hiccups and they are harmless, some fetal hiccups may be a reason for concern.
According to Obstetrician-Gynecologist Dr. Jason Collins, MD, MSCR, of The Pregnancy Institute, even though your baby’s hiccups can be recurrent, once the Week 32 gestational marker is reached, your baby’s hiccups should lessen and not be present on a daily basis. So, when your baby continues to hiccup every day with hiccups lasting longer than 15 minutes or a series of hiccups 3–4 times with 24 hours, alert your health care team and have your baby evaluated for possible umbilical cord concerns.
Three tests to check on your baby’s well-being in utero are: a NST, a BPP, and a Doppler Ultrasound. The first test, an NST, will monitor and evaluate your baby’s heartbeat. This test usually starts in the third trimester (for high risk moms as early as the Week 28) for moms and expected babies who need special care and monitoring with conditions such as diabetes or hypertension, blood clotting disorders, follow up for an amniocentesis, IUGR, a baby who is small or not growing properly, a less active baby, if you have passed your due date or if you hae had a previous loss. A NST usually takes 20-40 minutes to complete. Your baby’s heartbeat will be heard and recorded while your baby is inactive and active. The NST is a reactive test meaning your baby’s heart beats faster when moving. To be reactive, this must happen at least two times in 20 minutes. If your baby is sleeping or inactive, you may be given juice or water to drink to encourage your baby to move (although there is no scientific research to support this theory.) The NST will be considered nonreactive if your baby’s heart does not beat faster when your baby is active, or quiet and not moving. Don’t panic if this happens! They will consider this a false NST, but it merely means the NST did not provide enough information and additional tests such as a BPP may be necessary.
A BPP combines both fetal heart rate monitoring (NST) and a fetal ultrasound. Your baby’s breathing, heart rate, movements, muscle tone and amniotic fluid level are calculated and scored. The ideal goal is to get 10 out of 10. This simple combination of testing does not cause any physical danger to you or your baby. A BPP is normally performed as early as the 28th to 32nd week of pregnancy. It may, however, be considered when your doctor is planning an early delivery, typically after the 24th to 26th week of your pregnancy. A low score on a BPP might indicate that you and your baby need further monitoring or special care. In some cases, early or immediate delivery might be necessary.
A Doppler Ultrasound checks the blood flow within the umbilical cord. A healthy umbilical cord will have two arteries, one vein, be the proper length and contain adequate Wharton’s Jelly. Wharton’s Jelly is a specialized tissue which serves many purposes for the developing fetus. Its specialized cells contain gelatin-like mucus that encase fibers. These properties give it an elastic and cushiony effect, which can tolerate the vibration, bending, stretching and twisting of an active fetus. In addition, it holds the vessels together, may regulate blood flow, plays a role in providing nutrition to the fetus, stores chemistry for the onset of labor, and protects the supply line. The Doppler Ultrasound may be more pivotal for umbilical cords that have only one artery, but it can also alert your health care team to other umbilical cord issues such as a knot, a kink, twisting or torsion, a nuchal cord and a short or long cord. This simple procedure tests the velocity and direction of the blood flow.
If you’ve had a previous stillbirth due to a UCA, your health care team can assign a perinatologist or maternal fetal specialist who can schedule a NST and BPP anywhere from one to three times a week depending on moms comfort level to monitor the health of her baby. Remember that if you’ve had a pervious loss or complication, your doctor should absolutely label your next pregnancy as high risk!
In the presence of a nuchal cord, movement counting is especially important now and for the duration of your pregnancy if the nuchal cord remains or if your health care team considers the cord tight with or without kinks. Remember, changes in your baby’s movements, such as speeding up or slowing down, or changes in sleep-wake cycles could be a sign that your baby is not well. Know when your baby is awake and when he or she is asleep. Becoming your expected baby’s guardian through awareness, a proactive attitude and vigilance will empower you.
As the end of your second trimester approaches, keep a check on your baby’s growth measurements. Fundal height measurements, EPV, or estimated weight with ultrasound performed monthly will let you and your team know if the placenta is supplying adequate nourishment for your baby.
Mayo Clinic Obstetrician and Medical Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Roger W. Harms, explains that fundal height is measured from the top of the uterus down to the pubic bone. Once you have entered the second trimester, your fundal height measurement will usually equal your gestational week. So, if you are in your 28th week, your health care team will anticipate your fundal height to measure approximately 28 centimeters.
Keep in mind, although fundal height is a means for estimating your baby’s fetal development, as well as gestational age, it is not a precise measurement and it is not uncommon to gauge your baby’s fundal height smaller or larger than anticipated. Depending on your height, stature or frame, if your bladder is empty or full, or if you are pregnant with twins or multiples, you may see differences in your fundal height. However, also keep in mind that a faster or slower rate may also be due to growth restriction which is rapid or slow, his or her amniotic fluid, fibroids of the uterus, baby’s descent into the pelvis before time, or baby’s unusual positioning such as a breech presentation.
Usually, fundal height measurements reassure your health care team of your baby’s growth. If you’re concerned about your fundal height measurements, ask your health care provider for specific details. Your health care team may recommend an ultrasound or other tests to determine the cause of an atypical measurement.
Professor Jason Gardosi, MD, FRCSED, FRCOG, Director of the Perinatal Institute, Birmingham, England, has developed the Growth Assisted Protocol (GAP) program based on the motivating principle that many instances of adverse perinatal outcomes of pregnancy are potentially avoidable.
Every mom using this program has a Gestation Related Optimal Weight (GROW) chart for her baby calculated by combining mom’s height, weight, ethnic origin and previous pregnancies at the beginning of her pregnancy.
This chart will predict the growth of mom’s expected baby week by week. By measuring the fundal height, if the baby’s growth falls outside the anticipated “norm” for mom’s predicted growth chart, additional ultrasounds will be ordered to insure that the baby is thriving. Professor Gardosi’s protocol includes 4-5 ultrasounds from Week 28 onwards.
If the ultrasound results indicate the baby needs help, he or she can be treated in the womb. However when careful monitoring shows the baby is still stressed, an early delivery will be performed. To learn more about Professor Gardosi’s GAP program and the importance of fundal height, visit the Perinatal Institute.
By 26 weeks, make sure your health care team has scheduled you for a Glucose Challenge Screening (an adaptation of the Glucose Tolerance Test which tests for Type 2 Diabetes). This screening is for Gestational Diabetes, a type of diabetes present only when you are pregnant. This test is done between 26-28 weeks and will accurately measure the response of your body to glucose (sugar). If the test is positive, you will need to undergo further testing to confirm this pregnancy diagnosis.
Your health care team will help you decide on a wholesome eating plan and exercise regime to maintain a healthy pregnancy with gestational diabetes. If you are having trouble achieving your targeted pregnancy glucose levels, a medication called insulin, given by injection, may be needed, which will not harm your baby.
If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, your blood sugar will need to be monitored closely and kept under control. This condition can lead to extremely serious complications if not managed well. When your blood sugar is not controlled and allowed to run high, there is an increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, preeclampsia, preterm delivery (before 37 weeks), and the possibility of a Caesarean section due to a large baby weighing 9 pounds or more.
For more information on gestational diabetes, how it can be managed and how it may impact your pregnancy, or to proactively pass this vital information via the CDC’s Health-e-Cards to other pregnant moms, please visit the CDC and the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC).
Babies love to hiccup! Light, recurring and sequential patterns are what you will notice at first. Later in your pregnancy, your baby’s hiccups will become robust and recognizable. Although most babies have hiccups and they are harmless, some fetal hiccups may be a reason for concern.
According to Obstetrician-Gynecologist Dr. Jason Collins, MD, MSCR, of The Pregnancy Institute, even though your baby’s hiccups can be recurrent, once the Week 32 gestational marker is reached, your baby’s hiccups should lessen and not be present on a daily basis. So, when your baby continues to hiccup every day with hiccups lasting longer than 15 minutes or a series of hiccups 3–4 times with 24 hours, alert your health care team and have your baby evaluated for possible umbilical cord concerns.
An Incompetent Cervix, also called cervical insufficiency, or CI, is a condition of pregnancy that occurs when the expectant mother’s cervical tissue is weakened to such a degree that it may lead to an unexpected pregnancy loss. This may be due to a previous childbirth, cervical trauma such as a broad cervical conization (cervical biopsy), various abnormalities and irregularities of the uterus, the possible exposure to the synthetic estrogen Diethylstilbestrol (DES), or there may be no defining cause. CI can cause or contribute to premature birth, and in many cases, the loss of an otherwise robust pregnancy. While CI occurs in only one out of 100 pregnancies, the condition is responsible for approximately 25 percent of losses in the second trimester.
Before you become pregnant, your cervix is normally closed and firm. As your pregnancy advances and you prepare for delivery day, the cervix gradually relaxes, shortens in length (effaces) and opens (dilates). If your cervix is incompetent, it might begin to open ahead of time and you may deliver your baby too early without even feeling any contractions. CI usually manifests between Weeks 16-24, with most instances taking place between Weeks 18-22.
It is difficult to diagnose CI and because of this, it is difficult to treat. A manual pelvic examination may detect CI. For a diagnosis of CI to be made, the cervical opening must be greater than 2.5 cm, or the cervical length must have shortened to less than 20mm. Funneling, a shortening of the cervix and dilatation of the internal cervical canal, can also be a sign of CI.
A transvaginal ultrasound is the best technique to examine the cervix according to Dr. James E. Sumners, M.D., of St. Vincent Women’s Center for Prenatal Diagnosis in Indianapolis. This specialized ultrasound helps monitor cervical length and can check to see if the cervix is opening. This method visualizes the entire cervix and the complete cervical canal. Once diagnosed, preventative medication, repeated ultrasounds, or various techniques for closing the cervix may be implemented such as a cervical cerclage, a purse-string stitch that acts as an cinch to keep the cervix from dilating. This is usually performed in an outpatient setting between Weeks 12-15.
Unfortunately, during pregnancy you may not experience or feel any signs or symptoms that your cervix is beginning to open too early. You could possibly notice some minor discomfort or vaginal spotting over several days or perhaps weeks. You should alert your health care team if you notice any of the following between Weeks 14-20: pelvic pressure, a backache, mild abdominal cramping and a variation in your vaginal discharge such as mucous or blood.
Women who have already had a miscarriage because of incompetent cervix will likely have the same outcome in future pregnancies if they do not seek treatment. Not seeking treatment can lead to great stress and emotional suffering for women and couples hoping to become parents.
To find out more information on diagnosis, treatment or understanding how CI may impact your pregnancy, please visit the March of Dimes and The University of Chicago Hospitals.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus that poses a major risk to pregnant women who are around babies and young children. Moms who are child care providers, daycare workers, preschool teachers, therapists, and nurses need to take extra precautions as preschoolers are the majority of carriers. CMV is present in saliva, urine, feces, tears, blood, mucus and other bodily fluids. You cannot catch CMV by simply being in the same room with someone, unless bodily fluids are exchanged. Additionally, there is no information to indicate CMV is transmitted in the air (airborne).
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the CDC recommend that OB/GYNs counsel women on basic prevention measures to guard against CMV.
CMV is very prevalent among healthy children 1 to 3 years of age as they are at high risk for contracting CMV. Since CMV can be transmitted to an unborn child from a pregnant mother experiencing a primary or recurrent CMV infection, how can you minimize your risk? Here are a few simple preventative steps you can proactively incorporate into your daily routine from Stop CMV – The CMV Action Network:
Some babies born with congenital CMV are symptomatic at birth, others are asymptomatic. Children born with congenital CMV may develop permanent medical conditions and disabilities, such as deafness, blindness, cerebral palsy, mental and physical disabilities, seizures, and death.
Become your expected baby’s guardian today by taking an active role in your personal hygiene and healthcare decisions and prevent CMV. Consult your health care team if you are concerned about the CMV infection during pregnancy, you develop a mononucleosis or flu-like illness during pregnancy, or you feel you may be a candidate for CMV screening or treatment.
If you would like further information on CMV and how it may affect your pregnancy and your baby’s future, please visit Stop CMV. If you would like to proactively pass this vital information via the CDC’s Health-e-Cards to other pregnant moms, please visit the CDC.
Genital Herpes is a chronic permanent viral infection. One in five pregnant women has herpes, either Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1) which is responsible for cold sores on the mouth and lips or Herpes Simplex Virus-2 (HSV-2), which is responsible for genital herpes. Although genital herpes can be caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2, most mothers of infants who acquire neonatal herpes are asymptomatic, meaning they have never had an outbreak of genital herpes!
Women with recurrent genital herpes have antibodies which protect the baby from neonatal herpes infections. However, if a mother acquires genital herpes during the last trimester of her pregnancy there is a 30–50 per cent chance of transmitting this infection to her baby. Acyclovir, an anti-viral medication used to treat genital herpes, if taken during the last trimester, may help prevent a neonatal infection.
It is recommended that any woman with an outbreak of genital herpes at the time of delivery should have a Caesarean section. For more information on genital herpes and how it may impact your pregnancy, please visit the CDC and the March of Dimes.
In preventing infections which may prove harmful to you and your baby, Dr. McGregor advises you to see your health care team for any symptoms of a bladder (urinary tract) infection, vaginitis symptoms and an unexplained fever. He also advocates good dental hygiene and care, reporting any vaginal bleeding, discharge or fluid leakage to your health care team, and avoiding membrane stripping to induce labor. Dr. McGregor also encourages moms to be vaccinated for Influenza (Inactivated) and Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis) at 28 Weeks if their adult vaccinations are not up to date.
Your urine will be cultured for Group B Strep (GBS). If your results are positive for GBS or for an asymptomatic bacteriuria, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends appropriate antibiotic treatment if your urine culture shows over 100,000 colonies per cc. Once you finish your antibiotics, have a test of cure (TOC) to ensure that the infection has cleared completely. Make sure you ask for the results of your urine culture on your next visit.
If your urine is negative for GBS, you will have a rectovaginal swab taken at 35 – 37 weeks gestation and cultured to ensure that you are still GBS negative. If you are positive for GBS now or at your initial visit, discuss with your health care team how GBS will impact your birth plan and the intravenous antibiotics that will be required during labor and delivery. Remind your nursing staff that you are GBS positive on delivery day just to be safe. Upon the first sign of labor, you should not wait to go to L&D. It is ideal to begin the antibiotic therapy several hours before your water breaks!
According to Researcher, James A. McGregor, MDCM, Retired Professor of OB-GYN, Division of Perinatology, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, any infection can be potentially life threatening to your baby. Approximately 1 in 4 pregnant women carry GBS, the most common cause of life-threatening infections in newborns according to the CDC. GBS can not only infect babies during pregnancy, but also during the first few days and weeks of life.
“Women should have accurate information to know how to best protect their babies”, states Group B Strep International’s co-founder, Marti Perhach. For awareness materials and further information, please visit GBS today.
If you would like to proactively pass along Health-e-Cards containing vital GBS information to other pregnant moms, please visit the CDC. Your health care team can now download the free “Prevent Group B Strep” App for iOS and Android devices by simply visiting the CDC.
According to the CDC, Listeria (listeriosis) is bacteria found in soil, water, dust, plants, raw meats, processed foods, some prepared vegetables, and in the feces of animals and humans. Most listeria infections affecting pregnant women come from eating contaminated foods. This infection may be passed to an expectant mother’s baby through the placenta, and the mother may not even show any signs of illness. Listeria can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth and premature delivery. In a newborn the presence of listeria may result in blood stream infections, meningitis and possible death. A late neonatal infection may even appear more than 5 to 7 days following delivery. Because of the potentially severe consequences of listeria, it’s important that you, as well as your health care team, are familiar with the prevention, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this infection.
The chance of contracting listeria is ten times higher for pregnant women than that of the overall population, and twenty-four times higher for Hispanic women. Symptoms can be as mild as fever, chill, muscle aches, diarrhea and upset stomach, and can take a few days or possibly weeks to emerge. A pregnant mom may not even be aware that she has it. The more serious symptoms of a listeria infection for the pregnant mom may range from headache, stiff neck and confusion to a loss of balance and even convulsions. This is why prevention is vital and that you take appropriate food safety precautions during pregnancy.
The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provide the following guidelines for pregnant women:
It’s important to note that if you have eaten food contaminated with listeria and are asymptomatic, most professionals believe you don’t need any tests or treatment, even if you are pregnant. Although you should inform your health care team if you are pregnant and have eaten the contaminated food, and within 2 months experience flu-like symptoms.
If a pregnant mom does contract listeria, antibiotics are given to treat it. In most cases, the antibiotics also prevent infection of the fetus or newborn. Antibiotics are also given to babies who are born with listeria.
If you experience any symptoms of listeria, consult your health care team immediately. A blood test can be performed to find out if listeria is the cause of your symptoms.
For more information on listeria prevention and how listeria infection can impact both you and your baby during and after pregnancy, please visit the CDC and the NIH.
Toxoplasmosis, considered one of the neglected parasitic infections, is an infection that a mom may pick up from something as simple as cleaning a cat litter box or making a hamburger patty. Toxoplasma Gondi is a parasite so small it is invisible to the human eye and, fortunately, most healthy immune systems will not allow the parasite to trigger an infection. It is estimated that 22.5% of Americans 12 years and older have been infected with toxoplasma. Although usually asymptomatic, symptoms accompanying toxoplasmosis may be similar to those of the flu with swollen lymph glands or muscle aches and pains that last for a month or more.
If you have been recently infected, speak with your health care team. It is advised you wait six months before becoming pregnant. Usually, if you have been infected with toxoplasma before you became pregnant, your unborn child is protected by your immunity. Your health care team may advise a blood test be drawn to check for antibodies to toxoplasma if you are pregnant. If you become infected during pregnancy, medication is available. You and your baby should be closely monitored during your pregnancy and after your baby is born.
Unfortunately, this infection may possibly result in miscarriage prior to 20 weeks or a stillbirth after 20 weeks. Although on occasion infected newborns may exhibit serious eye or brain damage at birth, the majorities of infected infants do not have symptoms present at birth but may develop serious signs later in life, such as blindness or mental disability.
The March of Dimes suggests the following simple steps in avoiding contamination:
For further information on toxoplasmosis and how it can impact you and your baby during pregnancy and after birth, please visit the CDC and the March of Dimes.
It’s a proactive step towards conception and pregnancy for you and you partner to make an appointment and meet with your health care team when you are considering starting a family. They can help you prepare your body for a healthy baby, answer your questions on fertility and give you both tips on conceiving.
Did you know that it is estimated that ten to fifteen percent of couples have trouble getting pregnant or reaching a successful delivery day? Or that female infertility, male infertility or a combination of the two affects millions of couples worldwide? So what exactly is infertility? Infertility means that with frequent intercourse for at least a year of actively trying, a couple cannot conceive.
The onus of infertility rests equally between the female and male factoring about one-third of the time for each. The remaining one-third causation is either not known or a combination of both male and female factors. With age, there is a natural decrease in fertility spurring the investigation and management of infertility to be started sooner by some specialists in certain couples.
Identifying the cause of female infertility can be challenging but there are several treatments available once the cause is realized. Your possible treatment will depend on the primary problem. Treatment may not always be warranted as numerous infertile couples do go on to conceive a child naturally. It is estimated that approximately six percent of married women (15-44) are not able to become pregnant after one year of unprotected sex, and that roughly twelve percent of women (15-44) struggle with infertility or carrying a pregnancy forty weeks regardless of their marital status.
Male infertility data from the National Survey of Family Growth in 2002 that was analyzed by the CDC showed that 7.5% of all sexually experienced men younger than age 45 reported seeing a fertility doctor during their lifetime. This means that 3.3–4.7 million men sought help for infertility and of the men who wanted help, 18% were diagnosed with a male-related infertility problem, including sperm or semen problems (14%) and varicocele (6%).
The foremost symptom of infertility is the inability of a couple to become pregnant. Female infertility may be associated with a lack of ovulation arising from a menstrual cycle that is excessively long (35 days or more) or short (less than 21 days). An irregular or absent period can signal a lack of ovulation as being the cause of infertility. However, there may also be no other apparent signs or symptoms.
When you decide to see a doctor and seek medical help depends, to some extent, on your age, as a woman’s age is probably the most significant factor related to her ability to conceive. According to the Mayo Clinic:
Your doctor will most likely recommend a member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine in your area to help you with your infertility.
Today, the trend of delayed marriage and childbirth are the main social causes of infertility. Physically, in order for you to become pregnant ovulation, sperm, regular intercourse, open fallopian tubes and a normal uterus must all co-exist working simultaneously together. However, there are several factors that can prevent this process from taking place and causing female infertility. Genetic testing will also help determine whether there’s a genetic defect may also be a source of infertility prompting the need for genetic testing.
Ovulation disorders
Ovulation disorders are responsible for roughly 25 percent of couples remaining infertile. This condition causes you to ovulate irregularly or perhaps not at all. Inconsistency in the reproductive hormonal regulation by either the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, or by difficulties within the ovary itself may be to blame for this problem. The Mayo Clinic defines ovulation disorders as:
Damaged fallopian tubes (tubal infertility)
The inability of sperm to reach the egg or the failure of the fertilized egg to reach and implant in the uterus may be due to damaged or blocked fallopian tubes. The Mayo Clinic states tubal damage or blockage may be a result of:
Uterine tissue that implants and grows elsewhere is called endometriosis. This additional growth of uterine tissue when removed surgically may cause scarring obstructing the narrow fallopian tube. If this occurs, the egg and sperm will not unite. Equally, endometriosis may also affect the lining of the uterus jeopardizing the implantation of the fertilized egg. This condition may also be indirectly responsible for upsetting fertility by causing injury to the sperm or egg. It is estimated that 25-50 percent of women have this condition.
Uterine or cervical causes
There are a number of uterine or cervical conditions that may interfere with your egg becoming implanted in the uterus. This increases the risk of a miscarriage. The Mayo Clinic defines these conditions as:
Male infertility
This may be caused by various factors. It is usually diagnosed by two semen analyses taken at least one month apart. A specialist evaluates the number of sperm (concentration), motility (movement), and morphology (shape). If the result is slightly abnormal, a diagnosis of infertility is not necessary made. However, if the abnormal result is due to an illness such as a viral infection, it will take roughly two to three months before the sperm parameters change and the test can be repeated. This analysis will aid in deciding how male factors are possibly contributing to the couple’s infertility.
According to the CDC, the conditions that can contribute to an atypical semen analyses include:
The National Institute of Health (NIH) state that other causes of male infertility may include:
Unexplained infertility
Unfortunately, a source for your infertility may never be discovered. Unresolved issues may result from a combination of various minor causes affecting the couple as a whole. It can be devastating to not know the reason for your infertility but the good new is that infertility can possibly be reversed in time.
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are definite risk factors that may increase your chances of infertility. They are:
It must also be noted that passive smoking has also been established to have an effect on fertility and the heavy use of marijuana decreases fertility in both men and women.
If you decide to have your infertility evaluated, it’s important that you begin tracking your periods, your symptoms and dates of intercourse before your first visit. You will also want to make a list of medications and supplements — either vitamins or herbal remedies — with doses and frequency for your specialist. Any pertinent medical records with previous tests or treatments should accompany you.
Both you and your partner will have a medical and sexual history taken; any previous pregnancies with your current partner will be discussed. You will both be assessed for possible causes as well as potential treatments to correct this condition.
Don’t forget to bring a notebook or iPad with you for two reasons. First, beforehand you can prepare any questions that you would like answered, and second, you will be able to jot down any essential information given to you at this time.
Your specialist may possibly order any number of tests that he or she feels will help to evaluate, diagnose and treat your condition. Testing may range from a simple over-the-counter ovulation prediction kit to a laparoscopy which is a minimally invasive procedure visualizing your fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus to genetic testing which will indicate if a genetic problem is responsible for your infertility. It is important to remember that no one test is a perfect predictor of fertility.
Nearly 85-90 percent of infertility cases are treated conservatively with drugs or the surgical repair of reproductive organs. Although numerous surgical procedures can correct difficulties or increase female fertility, the surgical interventions for fertility are rare these days as fertility treatments such as laparoscopic surgery, microscopic tubal ligation reversal surgery and tubal surgeries have high success rates.
Endometriosis may be diagnosed by using ultrasonography and endometrial biopsy that are not considered part of the basic infertility investigation. Neither blood tests nor imaging studies alone can correctly diagnose endometriosis. Although ultrasound might identify an ovarian cyst that includes an endometrioma, a laparoscopy is still required to make the diagnosis.
The fertility drugs used today may increase a woman’s chance of becoming pregnant with twins, triplets, or other multiples. If you are pregnant with multiples, additional problems, monitoring and health care visits may be increased. Multiple fetuses have an increased risk of being born prematurely and are also at a higher risk of health and developmental problems.
Male factor infertility, depending on the primary cause, may be approached either medically, surgically, or helped with reproductive therapies. Medical and surgical treatments will normally be handled by a urologist specializing in infertility. A reproductive endocrinologist may also be needed. This specialist may offer intrauterine inseminations (IUIs) or assisted reproductive technology (ART). ART includes all fertility treatments in which both eggs and sperm are handled outside of the body. These procedures involve surgically removing eggs from a woman’s ovaries, combining them with sperm in the laboratory, and returning them to the woman’s body or donating them to another woman. The main type of ART to overcome male infertility is in vitro fertilization (IVF), which currently accounts for more than 99 percent of ART procedures; tens of thousands of babies have been born around the world with this procedure. Severe male factor infertility is associated with genetic disorders such as mutations in the cystic fibrosis genes and is treated effectively only with IVF. ART accounts for approximately 10-15 percent of the remaining infertility treatment options.
Overall, many factors will determine how your specialist will treat your infertility. The complexity of infertility requires a substantial fiscal, physical, emotional and time commitment on your and your partner’s part. It may only take a couple of treatments to correct your infertility. However, some couples require numerous appointments and therapies before conception is possible. As mentioned above, medication or even surgery may be necessary to assist with conception, or complex procedures may also be warranted or introduced.
The quest for finding a cause for your infertility may be a strenuous and demanding one both physically and emotionally. Did you know that studies indicate that couples experiencing psychological stress have poorer results with infertility treatments? It will help to relieve any unnecessary anxiety by making sure you that you are aware, informed and understand the success rates, risks, and benefits of the potential therapies that are being offered. After consulting with your doctor, you and your partner will select the option that you feel is most advantageous to create a successful conception.
Don’t forget to keep your close friends and family informed of your progress. Many couples find comfort and support through the anonymity of online groups via social media. Professional help is always available to you both so never hesitate to reach out to your health care team for advice or a reference.
Continue your healthy lifestyle entertaining a moderate level of activity and exercise, and a well-balanced diet. This combination can boost your spirits as your tackle your infertility. Remember, that you always have alternatives to infertility. Adoption, surrogacy, gestational carriers or even deciding on not having any children may be choices you will want to consider. You should discuss these possibilities or another course of action that may appeal to you early in your infertility process as this can lower stress during treatments and disappointment if conception does not take place.
It’s important that you try to improve your chances of normal fertility if you are considering becoming pregnant now or in the future. Simply incorporating the basics of good health is paramount. By maintaining a normal weight, eliminating smoking, alcohol and limiting your caffeine level to less than 200 to 300 milligrams a day, and reducing your stress level will improve your chances of normal fertility and the hope for conception to ensue.
Although some itching in pregnancy is normal, if you notice itching, primarily at night on the palms of hands, arms, legs, soles of feet or all-over itching which typically increases in severity, speak with your health care team. Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP), a liver disorder occurring during pregnancy, affects 1 – 2 women per 1000 with itching being the most common symptom. While ICP has been reported early on in pregnancy by some individuals, it commonly begins in the third trimester when hormone concentrations peak.
Two simple blood tests will determine if you could possibly have ICP. ICPcare.org: For women and families that experience Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy, provides pertinent educational information, the risks of the disorder ranging from fetal distress to an increased risk of intrauterine fetal demise (stillbirth) and a letter explaining ICP to your health care provider.
For additional information on ICP and how it could possibly impact your pregnancy, please visit ICPcare.org.
Tennis superstar and new mom Serena Williams trusted her body when she felt something wasn’t right. By 36 years of age, her career had withstood its share of physical and personal challenges. Knee injuries, a life-threatening blood clot in her lungs, harsh body criticism by fans and commentators alike, and frequent racial insults propelled her to overcome adversity. With 23 Grand Slam titles to her name and a serve clocked at 128.6 miles per hour, Williams was at the top of her game.
On September 1, 2017 Williams gave birth to her daughter Alexis Olympia via emergency C-section. The following day she became short of breath and immediately recognized this sign of a dangerous condition she knew only too well. Gasping for breath she told a nurse she might have another blood clot. The nurse did not take Williams seriously at first suggesting her “pain medication must be making her confused.” Williams trusted her instincts and asserted something was not right. After a negative ultrasound on her legs, a CT scan was performed on her lungs showing several blood clots. Heparinized, she was on the road to recovery. Or was she?
Williams endured harsh coughing episodes opening her C-section wound. An ensuing surgery revealed a hemorrhage at the location of the incision. When finally discharged, She was put on bed rest for six weeks.
Do you find yourself contemplating pregnancy? Is your research revealing the fun, fabulous and amazing aspects of your impending nine-month journey? Will this be the lucky month for you? What about next month?
Before your started your pregnancy research, you were most likely very comfortable with your pregnancy decision timetable. After all, you live in the United States, and the USA is the richest and most medically advanced county in the world. Right?
As your research intensifies you’re discovering some unfamiliar aspects of pregnancy. There are organizations combating various conditions such as Preeclampsia, Stillbirth, Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) and Gestational Diabetesto name a few.
Then you stumble upon Maternal Mortality and Morbidity. What? You mean, “I may not make it out of my pregnancy journey alive?” Slowly you realize the risks of pregnancy and delivery day are genuine, yet silently hidden.
Maternal Morbidity And Mortality
So what exactly is maternal morbidity and mortality?
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) definesSevere Maternal Morbidity (SMM) “to include the unexpected outcomes of labor and delivery that result in significant short- or long-term consequences to a woman’s health”.
Maternal Mortalityis defined by the CDC as “the death of a woman while pregnant or within 1 year of the end of a pregnancy regardless of the outcome, duration or site of the pregnancy–from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management, but not from accidental or incidental causes.”
Dr. Priya Agrawal, OB.Gyn, Executive Director of Merck for Mothers,states that although maternal mortality is comparatively rare in the USA, one preventable maternal death is one too many. The United States has a higher rate of maternal deaths than 45 other countries globally and more women will die from child-related causes in the United States than in any other developed country.
In her recent editorial in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Agrawal informs us that the USA costs of maternity care exceeded $60 billion in 2012. Although maternity costs continue to rise, approximately 1200 women in the USA will experience complications during pregnancy or childbirth that prove fatal every year. Sadly, another 60,000 women will endure complications that are near fatal.
The USA’s maternal morbidity and mortality rates remain extremely problematical. Unbelievably, roughly half of all maternal deaths in the USA are preventable. Dr. Agrawal cites three factors that are influencing the rising maternal mortality and morbidity trend in the USA:
So what is being done in the USA?
Medical personnel and community organizations are working to address the above factors. Hospitals are now creating standard approaches for obstetric emergencies. This will help to ensure that wherever a woman gives birth, she will be given suitable evidence-based care. Community initiatives are now managing care for high-risk women to safeguard good health and the management of chronic disorders during and after pregnancy. More states are creating and standardizing maternal mortality review boards.
New changes to nationwide health policies will hopefully improve maternal health outcomes. The USA’s participation in the global dialogue on maternal health is mandatory. Every state needs to rally health providers, policy-makers and communities in making maternal health a priority. With increased awareness of maternal mortality and life-threatening events – and concrete actions to ensure that pregnant women get the quality care they need – many fatal and near-fatal complications could be prevented.
And Globally…
On the global front, to make maternal morbidity and mortality even more profound, maternal losses sustained by underdeveloped countries are much more disturbing as countless numbers of women do not have access to maternity care. For these women, more than 800 a day will die from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth. Statistics show that between1990 and 2015 maternal mortality worldwide dropped by about 44%.However impressive this appears, it’s estimated 303,000 women died during and following pregnancy and childbirth globally in 2015 and almost all of these deaths occurred in low-resource settings. Alarmingly, almostallglobal maternal deaths are preventable.
Globally, one of the WHO’s foremost priorities is improving maternal health.
“WHO works to contribute to the reduction of maternal mortality by increasing research evidence, providing evidence-based clinical and programmatic guidance, setting global standards, and providing technical support to Member States.
In addition, WHO advocates for more affordable and effective treatments, designs training materials and guidelines for health workers, and supports countries to implement policies and programs and monitor progress.
During the United Nations General Assembly 2015, in New York, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health, 2016-2030 (7). The Strategy is a road map for the post-2015 agenda as described by the Sustainable Development Goals and seeks to end all preventable deaths of women, children and adolescents and create an environment in which these groups not only survive, but thrive, and see their environments, health and wellbeing transformed.”
Every Mother Counts
Christy Turlington Burns is the Founder and CEO of Every Mother Counts. After experiencing childbirth complications following the birth of her daughter Grace on October 23, 2003, Christy learned that hundreds of thousands of women were dying every year because they do not have access to the maternity care that they need. Realizing there is not enough political will or resources dedicated to this issue she devoted her work to understanding the challenges of and opportunities for improving access to maternity care around the world. She founded Every Mother Counts in 2010 following the release of her documentary film, No Woman, No Cry.
Every Mother Counts raises awareness by educating the publicabout this extremely sensitive subject touching us all. Sadly, most people are not aware of this potential tragedy until it is too late. The hope of this organization is to share their documented stories widely so others will learn from them, making these devastating stories a thing of the past.
Maternal mortality is unacceptably high. Although 99% of all maternal deaths occur in developing countries, it must be remembered that between 1990 and 2013, the maternal mortality ratio for the USA more than doubledfrom an estimated 12 to 28 maternal deaths per 100,000 births. The rate of maternal mortality is markedly higher among black women in the USA. Thesewomen who are expecting or who are new mothers die at rates similar to those of the same women in lower-income countries. Simultaneously, the maternal mortality rate for white USA mothers more closely resembles rates in more affluent nations.
Serena Williams understands this only too well. She agrees that she received excellent care for her postpartum complications for the most part. But concurs, “Imagine all the other women, who go through that without the same health care, without the same response.”
Empowering your knowledge of pregnancy day-by-day and trimester-by-trimester is important.The need for every pregnant woman to understand the joys as well as the perils of her remarkable nine-month journey is vital. It’s just that simple.
By knowing the facts, journaling your pregnancy milestones and tracking your baby’s movements you will be working closely with your health care team, which is key. Taking an active role in your pregnancy is essential. For more information on maternal mortality and morbidity in the USA and globally, please visit the WHO, CDC and Every Mother Counts.
Your baby could possibly pass meconium, a solid greenish-brown waste, in utero prior to delivery. Meconium-stained amniotic fluid (AF) occurs in about 13% of live deliveries. According to Medline Plus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health (NIH):
“Meconium is the early feces (stool) passed by a newborn soon after birth, before the baby has started to digest breast milk (or formula). In some cases, the baby passes meconium while still inside the uterus. This usually happens when babies are “under stress” because their supply of blood and oxygen decreases, often due to problems with the placenta.”
Risk factors that may cause stress on the baby before birth include:
Risk factors for this condition should be identified as early as possible. If the mother’s water broke at home, she should tell the health care provider whether the fluid was clear or stained with a greenish or brown substance.
Fetal monitoring is started so that any signs of fetal distress can be found early. Immediate intervention in the delivery room can sometimes help prevent this condition (meconium aspiration). Health care providers who are trained in newborn resuscitation should be present.”
If your water breaks or you notice a leakage which is greenish-brown in color, indicating the presence of meconium in your amniotic fluid, call your health care team immediately and go to L&D or the ER.
Pregnancy is such an exciting time in your life. However, we have come to realize that it is beneficial for you to be aware of miscarriage in the event that you or someone you knows faces one. Learning about early fetal development in your first trimester enables you to have a better understanding of what is happening inside of your body as your pregnancy progresses, and what your health care team may be looking for in the case of a possible miscarriage.
Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy from natural causes within the first 20 weeks of gestation. Women usually miscarry before Week 14. Anyone can have a miscarriage. Approximately ten to twenty-five percent of known pregnancies will end in miscarriage. In fact this number is most likely much greater as miscarriages occurring very early in the first trimester are perhaps not yet even detected as a pregnancy. These are called Chemical Pregnancies and occur shortly after implantation. At this point, you may not have realized that you have conceived. Chemical pregnancies are responsible for 50-75 percent of all miscarriages. The bleeding that occurs with a chemical pregnancy is around the time of the bleeding of your normal menstrual cycle.
Sadly, miscarriage is a relatively common experience and yet its frequency does not make it any easier to undergo or accept. The emotional turmoil inflicted on you and your family can be heartbreaking. Understanding the possible symptoms, types, causes, and risks involved in a miscarriage, and the medical care needed when confronting it may allow your emotional healing to begin sooner.
Miscarriage is often a process and not a single event. It may be hallmarked by an abrupt decrease in the signs of pregnancy such as breast sensitivity or morning sickness. You may also experience lightheadedness, dizziness or feeling faint and weight loss. Vaginal spotting with white-pink mucous, or brown or bright red bleeding may be noticed. A gush of clear or pink fluid or tissue may also be passed vaginally. Cramping, often more intense than normal menstrual cramps, may or may not be present. True contractions that might be extremely painful occurring every 5-20 minutes may be experienced, and mild to acute pain in the lower abdomen or back may be observed. If fetal tissue passes from your vagina, it should be placed in a clean container and taken to your health care team’s office or to the hospital for analysis.
If you experience any or all of the above symptoms, it is important that your health care team be notified immediately, or that you visit the nearest Emergency Room (ER) for an evaluation. Please remember that some bleeding may be experienced in 20 to 30 percent of all pregnancies, and approximately 50 percent of the women who experience vaginal spotting or bleeding in the first trimester do go on to have successful pregnancies.
Although there are several types of miscarriages, usually it is simply referred to as miscarriage without specifying the kind. However, your health care team may also use the following terminology to define miscarriage as provided by American Pregnancy Association:
There are many different causes for a miscarriage, however, the major cause of miscarriage during the first trimester is genetic or chromosomal, meaning the fetus isn’t developing normally. Most chromosomal abnormalities are the cause of a damaged egg or sperm cell, or are due to a problem at the time that the zygote goes through the division process. Typically in this situation, the embryo divides and grows abnormally for an unknown reason, and not a problem inherited from the mother and father. According to the Mayo Clinic, examples of this particular abnormality are:
There are also various maternal health conditions that may lead to miscarriage such as uncontrolled diabetes, infections including bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal or sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s), hormonal problems for instance Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, cervical or uterine disorders, thyroid disease or maternal trauma. Environmental toxins such as excessive exposure to lead, mercury or organic solvents, low levels of folic acid and taking certain antibiotics such as clarithromycin are linked to the possibility of causing a miscarriage. Never take any herb, supplement or medication during pregnancy without the consent of a medical professional.
Your routine day-to-day activities such as moderate exercise, sexual intercourse or work (as long as you are not subjected to unsafe chemicals or radiation) will NOT cause a miscarriage! Equally, neither nausea nor vomiting, not even morning sickness, will cause a miscarriage.
The Mayo Clinic states that there are several maternal factors that may increase the risk of miscarriage:
Prenatal genetic tests such as Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) and Amniocentesis that are described in Week 12 are invasive procedures and do carry a slight risk of miscarriage.
The diagnosis of miscarriage is a sensitive one. If bleeding or pain is noticed, you must contact your health care team immediately as you may be experiencing a Threatened Miscarriage. Rest will most likely be advised until your symptoms subside; exercise and sexual activity will probably need to be avoided. Although these suggestions have not been proven to reduce the risk of miscarriage, they might improve your comfort and overall wellbeing during this time. Avoid travel right after your diagnosis as prompt medical attention may be necessary.
If your symptoms do not subside, an examination will follow. Your health care provider will perform a pelvic exam to determine if there are any problems with your uterus and if dilatation has begun. An ultrasound will allow your baby’s development and heartbeat to be assessed and visualized. If it is determined that the embryo has died or was never formed, a miscarriage will occur.
Your health care team will follow a specific protocol for the treatment of miscarriage. Their primary goal is to prevent hemorrhaging or infection at this time.
The Mayo Clinic explains three possible protocols:
Once your health care team has implemented the appropriate protocol and care for your miscarriage, you will need to pay close attention to the possibility of bleeding over the next few days. In the event of increased bleeding or the start of chills or fever, your health care team must be called immediately.
Following a miscarriage, you will often have many questions about your physical and emotional recover, and when you can begin to try and conceive again.
Physically, your journey back to day-to-day life after a miscarriage is a relatively speedy one. It may take a mere few hours to a couple of days depending on your baby’s gestational age and the protocol chosen, and may take longer if anything unusual is experienced such as excessive bleeding, a fever or abdominal pain that would cause your health care team to be notified. It will take about 4-6 weeks for your period to return to normal. Any type of contraception should be started immediately after a miscarriage. However, it is important that two weeks following your miscarriage sexual activity should be avoided in addition to inserting anything into the vagina, such as a tampon.
Your emotional healing after a miscarriage may be a slow process and may take much longer than your physical healing. Miscarriage can be an immense loss that your colleagues, friends and family might not fully understand. Your emotions might run the gamut from rage and blame to utter hopelessness. Time is needed to grieve the loss of your pregnancy, together with the hopes and dreams that come with your pregnancy. Seeking help from loved ones is vital as well as from professionals, especially if you are experiencing profound sadness or hopelessness.
Miscarriage is usually a one-time occurrence and will follow with a healthy pregnancy. Statistics tell us that less than five percent of women have two consecutive miscarriages, and only one percent have three or more consecutive miscarriages.
If you experience multiple miscarriages, typically greater than three in a row, you should consider scheduling an in-depth consultation and an intense prenatal workup with your health care team. This includes being tested to identify a possible underlying cause such as uterine abnormalities, coagulation problems or chromosomal abnormalities. Your health care team may encourage this testing after two losses. Following testing, if the reason for your miscarriage cannot be discovered, please don’t despair as approximately 60 to 70 percent of women with unexplained repeated miscarriages do go on to have healthy pregnancies. You may want to consider in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, or artificial insemination to achieve a successful pregnancy if you have a history of unexplained miscarriages.
Following a miscarriage, you should discuss getting pregnant again with your health care team, and seek guidance about the right time to conceive. Being physically and emotionally prepared is vital while waiting for conception to occur and that includes maintaining a healthy diet. Saying no to caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, which are known to raise the risk of miscarriage, is paramount. Indulge in calcium-rich foods, low-fat dairy products, almonds, beans, and nutritious green vegetable such as kale and spinach. Organic free-range protein sources are essential such as eggs and poultry. Olive oil is also a wonderful healthy option. Together diet and exercise will benefit you in maintaining a normal weight.
A daily dose of folic acid is recommended and can be found in a prenatal supplement. Low levels of folic acid have been associated with miscarriage. If you have been diagnosed as a high-risk pregnancy, bed rest may be advised. A low-stress lifestyle is always beneficial.
Although there have been no studies showing that homeopathy prevents miscarriage, the literature on homeopathy does report women who have had successful pregnancies after miscarriage when being treated with this type of alternative medicine.
Did you know that after a miscarriage it is possible to become pregnant during the first menstrual cycle? If a pregnancy occurs immediately following your miscarriage, your health care team should be notified. They may also advise bed rest and progesterone if there is a history of previous miscarriages, along with the close monitoring of any chronic medical condition in safeguarding your pregnancy.
For the most part, there is nothing you can do to prevent a miscarriage. What you can do is work closely with your health care team and be extremely prudent and watchful for known pregnancy risks. With regular prenatal care, good-quality sleep, abstinence from contact sports, and implementing the pregnancy strategies mentioned above, you can reassure yourself that you are taking the best care of both yourself and your developing baby.
Since prenatal appointments are not on a daily basis, it is up to you to pay close attention each day to your baby’s movements. By simply counting your baby’s movements, this non-invasive, easy, and free method allows you to get to know your baby’s movements patterns and will alert you to the possibility of a potential problem.
We believe in tracking your baby’s movements and not relying on hand-held monitors, Dopplers or phone apps to check your baby’s heartbeat.
You can count your baby’s movements at any point during the day. Ideally, we recommend first thing in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening before bed.
Use ME Preg’s Movement Tracker whenever you want to count your baby’s movements. If you don’t have a smartphone, use our Mom & Baby Tracking Chart available in both English and Spanish. Begin by lying on your left side if possible and count every kick, punch, roll, twist, twirl, jab and swoosh – but not hiccups. You should be able to get 10 movements in one hour or less. Track the number on your tracker or jot down the number in your tracking chart. This information will be important for you and your health care team, and may also become part of your medical record!
You may wonder, “How will I know if something isn’t right?” You are looking for anything different or out of the ordinary. For example: Let’s say you always do your movement counts at 7am, immediately following breakfast, and it usually takes about 5 minutes to count your 10 movements. If one morning, at the same time, it suddenly took you 45 minutes to get 10 movements, that would be considered out of the ordinary. You might want to wait a little and do another movement counting session just to be sure. But if you are truly concerned, call your health care team.
Another example: You may count 4 or 5 movements in an hour instead of the usual 10 movements. Count your movements again. If, for any reason, you are still not able to obtain the usual 10 movements in your normal amount of time, you detect an unusual amount of activity level for your baby (an increase or decrease in fetal movement), or you notice any sudden changes in movement, call your health care team to make sure your baby is well. If you are unable to contact or visit your health care team, go to Labor and Delivery (L&D) as most L&D units will see you immediately for Decreased Fetal Movements (DFM), or go to the nearest Emergency Room (ER).
Never hesitate to call your health care team with any questions or concerns you may have or comments they have made that you don’t understand. With your new proactive mindset, working together will now empower your pregnancy journey. You know your baby best, so always trust your instincts.
Through scientific research, we know that umbilical cord abnormalities are seen in one-third of all live births. Cerebral palsy and quadriplegic cerebral palsy are a direct result of such umbilical cord abnormalities.
There are two types of nuchal cords; A & B. Type A encircles the neck in an unlocked pattern. Type B encircles the neck in a locked pattern, and this second type is responsible for 1 in 50 stillbirths according to Dr. Collins.
Nuchal cords are extremely common and most babies can wriggle their way out of them prior to settling into the head down position. Still, all nuchal cords have the potential to be extremely problematic. Dr. Collins also stresses that the problem may not be where the cord is or how it may be tangled but how much “slack” (defined as not tight or stretched taut, but hanging loosely or having a good deal of give) the baby has in the cord. For instance, in a tight cord with little slack, blood flow may be compromised through the cord. In this case, a nuchal cord can become a serious condition. The amount of cord slack can be assessed during Cord Doppler tests. A baby can have a nuchal cord during the entire pregnancy, up until delivery, but the cord needs to remain slack. The most important aspect of dealing with any type of umbilical cord concern is to be aware of its presence, so if the baby starts having changes in patterns of movement and heart decelerations when monitored, you may know now that a cord issue may be the cause.
If your baby does not wriggle out of his or her nuchal cord and it remains, discuss with your health care team the need for closer monitoring solutions such as frequent office visits, ultrasounds (ultrasounds are the only way your baby’s umbilical cord can be seen in utero), BPP, NST, Cord Doppler tests to show blood flow, very diligent movement counting and daily home fetal heart rate monitoring.
Ask your health care team if a Nuchal Translucency Screening (NTS) should be performed, as this test is not routinely performed in many states. This screening consists of a blood test and an ultrasound. Administered between Weeks 11-13, this screening for chromosomal abnormalities gives families important information on potential outcomes as early as possible. First trimester screening results can be combined with second trimester screen results to detect Down syndrome and Trisomy 18. This testing provides an estimate of risk only. A positive result, which indicates an increased risk, does not mean your baby has a problem.
During this screening, an ultrasound will measure the fluid accumulation behind the neck of the baby, called the nuchal translucency (NT). Extra fluid, (an increased NT) can be a sign of Down syndrome, Trisomy 18 or Trisomy 13.
Increased nuchal translucency has also been associated with other fetal anomalies such as cardiac defects. A second trimester fetal anatomy ultrasound and echocardiogram are recommended if the NT is increased.
Have you ever sat down and really thought about the role good nutrition plays during pregnancy and while breastfeeding? The growth of your baby in utero will influence the rest of his or her life. The focus on your nutrition is not only vital for your expected baby but will also help provide the extra energy needed for you and baby to make it to delivery day as healthy as possible.
The good news for you is that a healthy diet will let you feel great decreasing the odds that you’ll experience pregnancy complications such as anemia, gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Wholesome food selections may also help to lessen the unwanted symptoms of pregnancy such as morning sickness, fatigue and constipation. It can help alleviate mood swings, make you less likely to go into preterm labor and improve your odds of a timely labor and delivery. Your well-nourished postpartum body will have fewer pounds to shed and your recovery will be smoother and shorter thanks to the nutritional choices you indulged in!
By simply indulging in sensible, nutrient-enriched and well-balanced meals, you and your baby will thrive from day one of your pregnancy. Gathering the facts, making key nutritional decisions and understanding some of the basics is empowering. You will also most likely need to increase calories, protein, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, and folic acid. Get ready for your new exciting and healthy eating plan.
Did you know that you need only an additional 300 calories a day during at least the last six months of your pregnancy to nurture your baby nutritionally? It’s important to keep in mind that not all calories are equal and that your baby needs healthy foods packed with nutrients – not the “empty calories” found in soft drinks, candies, and desserts. You can hit that magic 300 caloric intake marker easily by simply adding just one or two healthy snacks at some point during your day. Paying special attention to the quality of your nutrition will help to ensure a healthy weight gain during your pregnancy!
So how much weight should you gain? According to the latest information given to pregnant women at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Health Women’s Services in Charleston, South Carolina, if your weight is in the normal range you will see an increase of roughly 25 pounds. If you are overweight you would like to see a gain of around 15-25 pounds. If you are underweight you will be looking at an increase of about 28-40 pounds. Your weight should increase slowly with the majority of weight gain accruing in the third trimester.
Discussing what is an appropriate weight gain is an excellent topic of conversation to have with your health care team at your first prenatal visit around Week 8! You may want to ask for suggestions on how to incorporate a variety of foods in your diet that will help your baby grow. If you have any specific dietary needs or concerns, make sure to ask for a referral with an OB nutritionist.
It’s a well-known fact that pesticides are sprayed on conventional produce and they build up in the body over time. This causes a toxic load for the liver to filter, and what the body does not expel can be warehoused in fat cells. Pesticides are neurotoxins that can kill brain cells. The latest research is now linking high pesticide exposure during pregnancy to higher rates of autism.
The best way to obtain the protein and nutrients you and your baby need is from whole foods. Whole foods have been processed or refined as little as possible and are free from additives or other artificial substances. Vitamins and processed supplements cannot duplicate the way that whole foods work with the body. Why not have fun being creative in meeting and maximizing your new nutritional demands?
Consider a wide-ranging mix of proteins from meat to eggs to lentils. If you like diversity, incorporate assorted nuts and seeds like walnuts, almonds, avocado, pumpkin and chia into your diet.
Although they can be pricey, organic foods are a wonderful proactive pregnancy choice. If you decide to eat organically, be kind to your wallet and start selecting and buying organic produce when it is in season. You might also like to consider planning ahead and building a garden to grow your very own produce before you become pregnant. If you are buying conventional produce, choose fruits and vegetables with a protective peel or coating that isn’t consumed (like bananas). You can also lower your pesticide exposure to some extent by washing your produce in warm water and vinegar.
Doctors don’t usually recommend starting a strict vegan diet when you become pregnant. However, if you already follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, you can continue to do so during your pregnancy by doing it carefully. Be sure your health care team knows about your diet. It’s challenging to meet your new nutritional needs if you are not eating fish and chicken, or milk, cheese, or eggs. Research shows you may need to incorporate extra protein and additional vitamin B12 and D supplements. To ensure that you and your baby receive adequate nutrition, consult a registered dietitian for help with meal planning.
Protein is the building block of life so your diet should be rich in protein to help your baby develop. When envisioning good nutrition, picture your mealtimes full of delicious vegetable and one form of protein. Vegetables contain countless important vitamins and minerals that aid in your baby’s development and will also help you feel your best. Make sure that at least 1-2 servings of your veggies per day are leafy greens so that your baby gets folate, the nutrient important in preventing birth defects. Richly colored fruits are a fantastic way to incorporate natural sugars into your diet at a time when you are trying to eliminate foods that are high in sugar and refined carbohydrates. Always be sure to wash your fruits and vegetable well.
One delicious way to boost your intake of protein and carbohydrate rich nutrients – especially in the first trimester when your tummy may be having trouble with solids or fibrous foods – is to blend up a green smoothie. By simply adding water, a handful of greens, a scoop of frozen fruit, a touch of flaxseed and a healthy scoop of plain Greek yogurt, you can be sipping on a creamy enriched drink that is yummy and totally good for you and your baby in a matter of seconds!
Let’s be honest, fish is an excellent source of nutrition during pregnancy for both you and your baby. Fish contains high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals, and Omega-3 fatty acids. DHA and EPA are Omega 3 fatty acids that are found not only in fish but also in smaller amounts of some nuts and seeds. This healthy fat is vital to your developing baby’s brain and vision. It has also been shown to decrease pregnancy complications like preeclampsia, and lower the chance of developing postpartum depression.
Recent research highlighting that there was very low fish intake among pregnant women led the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to revise and update their guidelines from the last decade. They are now encouraging pregnant women, those who might become pregnant, breastfeeding mothers and young children to eat more fish—and to eat a variety of fish lower in mercury. “We’re updating our advice because the latest science strongly indicates that eating 8 to 12 ounces per week of a variety of fish lower in mercury during pregnancy benefits fetal growth and development,” says FDA’s Acting Chief Scientist Stephen Ostroff, M.D. He adds that 8 to 12 ounces is an excellent range to maximize the developmental benefits that fish can provide and that, “The science behind that recommendation was not available when we last issued fish consumption advice in 2004.”
Most fish available in the grocery store is, in fact, lower in mercury. That includes many popular species such as shrimp, pollock, salmon, canned light tuna, tilapia, catfish and cod. The FDA, EPA and ACOG recommend that no more than six ounces of your 8 to 12 ounces weekly fish intake be albacore tuna.
That being said, there are certain fish to avoid, as they do contain high levels of mercury which can cause damage to the developing nervous system of your baby. You will need to AVOID shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish during pregnancy. It is also wise to AVOID raw fish during pregnancy as well.
A 2006 review by Consumer Reports stated that some canned light tuna might contain mercury levels even higher than that of white albacore tuna; the recommendation was that pregnant women eat no canned tuna. However, the FDA stands by its current recommendations, stating that the levels of mercury are safe if tuna consumption is limited. It can be confusing when recommendations from trusted sources differ. But since this analysis indicates that amounts of mercury in tuna may be higher than previously reported, some women may want to eliminate tuna from their diet while pregnant or when trying to become pregnant. That, however, is not what the FDA and EPA recommend.
If you live by the ocean and eat the local catch, be sure to read your own vicinity’s local fish safety information. If you don’t like fish, don’t eat it regularly or do not want to eat it while you are pregnant, taking a fish oil supplement to derive their benefits is something you may wish to consider and speak about with your health care team.
Food-borne illnesses such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis, which can be life threatening to your unborn baby and possibly cause birth defects, miscarriage or stillbirth, may be contained in certain foods, outdoors or even in cat litter pans. The foods you should steer clear of include the following:
Hand washing is vital. Wash your hands before you eat or prepare food. When preparing raw meat, wash any cutting boards, knives and other utensils, and sinks that might have touched raw meat with soap and hot water to avoid cross-contaminating other foods. Wash your hands with soap and water after handing raw meat.
Cook all meat thoroughly to an internal temperature of 160*F, until it is no longer pink in the center or until the juices become colorless. Do not taste meat before it is fully cooked.
If you’ve eaten any of the above foods during your pregnancy and within two-months experience flu-like symptoms or you are concerned, please speak with your health care team. Follow the guidelines above for the remainder of your pregnancy and if would like more information on these food-borne illnesses, please visit Week 8 on our website.
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is not safe, no matter what the amount according to FamilyDoctor.org. The consumption of alcohol can cause issues and health problems for your baby anytime during your pregnancy journey.
So what’s the latest pregnancy buzz on Caffeine? Although many doctors feel that one or two 6 to 8 ounce cups per day of coffee, tea, or soda with caffeine won’t harm your baby, it’s probably wise to avoid caffeine altogether. High caffeine consumption has been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage and other problems; so limit your intake or switch to decaffeinated products.
During this special time it is important to eat as healthy as possible, include generous amounts of healthy green vegetables and richly colored fruits in your diet. Try to decrease the amount of seafood intake and enjoy just one seafood entrée per week. Cut out deli meats (listeriosis) and foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates. Remove or limit caffeine. Eliminate smoking, drinking alcohol, and the use of any and all drugs (over the counter or otherwise unless specified by a health care provider).
It’s not uncommon to be diagnosed with placenta previa, a pregnancy-related complication where the placenta grows in the lowest part of the uterus and covers all or part of the opening to the cervix. This can be quite common especially at the first ultrasound, but usually corrects itself by the third trimester. The cervix is your baby’s way out of the uterus at the time of delivery. Placenta previa can be marginal meaning the placenta is next to the cervix, but does not cover the cervical opening, it can be partial, meaning the placenta covers part of the cervical opening, or it can be complete, meaning it covers the entire cervical opening. You can also just have a low-lying placenta which is not a type of previa, but can be similar in symptoms.
As your tummy and uterus enlarge and stretch during pregnancy, the placenta will also stretch with them. Although the placenta doesn’t actually move, in most cases it stretches away from the cervix by the third trimester. The placenta should be near this optimal position by the third trimester for delivery, not blocking the cervix. This condition can be diagnosed with an ultrasound. If you are diagnosed with placenta previa, your medical team will watch this condition carefully. Make sure to follow all of their directions. They may decide the need for limited activities, pelvic rest, bed rest, or hospitalization to closely monitor both you and your baby depending on the gestation of your pregnancy and any other health concerns. Your health care team may also opt for a C-Section delivery if placenta previa is still an issue as you get closer to delivery day.
Any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy should be reported to your health care team immediately, as placenta previa has the potential to cause complications and can be dangerous for both you and your baby. For more information on the symptoms of and treatments for placenta previa, please visit Medline Plus at the National Institute of Health.
Pregnancy is a time of great anticipation, weekly changes and a new mindset. A savvy birth plan enables you to share your intended choices and wishes leading up to and during delivery with your health care team. But did you realize that delivery day is not the finish line? Or that your baby’s birthday is really the starting point? Enter the Postpartum Plan. According to Elly Taylor, a parenthood researcher and author of the book Becoming Us: 8 Steps To Grow A Family That Thrives, “Most couples find it hard to think beyond the birth, but there’s so much they can do to plan for a positive postpartum experience. I call it nest-building: plan to take as much time off work as possible, gather your support system (it takes a village!) and have your partner actively involved from the get-go.”
The postpartum period lasts about six weeks beginning immediately after the birth of your baby as your uterus, body, and hormone levels begin returning to a non-pregnant state. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes the postpartum period “as the most critical and yet the most neglected phase in the lives of mothers and babies; most maternal and/or newborn deaths occur during this time.” Did you know the United States differs from many countries that savor built-in birth and postpartum traditions that pass from generation to generation? With this in mind, it’s important that you take the time to think, plan and strategize about your postpartum period. Begin to envision what your new nest will look like following delivery day. Carrie Murphy of Parents. suggests seven steps that will enable you to zero in on how to make your postpartum experience the best. She realizes that taking your baby (or babies) home is the when life gets real. Murphy knows that with a simple plan, your postpartum experience will be upbeat and fruitful.
There are many ways to fashion the postpartum plan that’s right for you. In realizing the importance of creating an innovative and complete pregnancy experience, Phoenix, Arizona’s leading team of doulas, Phoenix Family Birth (PFB) introduced their tangible postpartum birth plan. As Carrie Murphy mentions above, PFB also advocates using the services of a Postpartum Doula. PFB encourages you to explore the tough questions and varied opinions that will make your plan feasible and realistic. Close your eyes for a moment…
Did you know that you might avert mood disorders and possible postpartum depression by using a postpartum plan? Remember that like your birth plan, your postpartum plan is also flexible. Share your plan with everyone ahead of time so there will be no surprises or hurt feelings. Keep in mind that the plan you drafted on your iPhone may not work best for you in reality at times and that’s perfectly okay! With a little planning prior to your baby’s arrival, you will make your hospital stay, arrival home and the weeks and months following delivery enjoyable and practicable.
For more information on a Postpartum Plan, an Easy Postpartum Plan Worksheet, the services of a Postpartum Doula or the importance of a postpartum plan, please visit Phoenix Family Birth and Parents.
One pregnancy complication affecting thousands of women and babies that has risen by twenty-five percent over the last twenty years is “Preeclampsia.” This serious medical problem affects 5%-8% of all pregnancies and 15% of these women develop HELLP (Hemolysis Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platelets) Syndrome. Preeclampsia is a major source of maternal and infant illness and death. It usually occurs during the last half of pregnancy and rarely before Week 20; it may also strike in the postpartum period.
If this is your first pregnancy, the symptoms of nausea, vomiting and lower backache may be present. How do you distinguish these symptoms from the onset of preeclampsia? Early in your pregnancy speak with your health care team about preeclampsia as the symptoms of preeclampsia usually begin after Week 20. Your health care team may recommend the PreeclampsiaScreenSMl T1. This simple first-trimester blood test could help determine if you are at low or high risk for preeclampsia.
You may be at risk for developing preeclampsia if any of the following apply to your Personal History:
Or your Family History:
Early Onset Preeclampsia is defined as preeclampsia resulting in the delivery of your baby before Week 34; babies delivered earlier than expected may face lifelong disabilities. Early onset preeclampsia may result in sudden health complications for mothers and escalate their risk for long-term cardiovascular disease. Women who have had preeclampsia have roughly double the risk for heart disease and stroke over the next five to 15 years of their lives. Early onset preeclampsia contributes more to the morbidity and mortality of pregnant moms and their babies than preeclampsia acquired late in pregnancy.
Preeclampsia is typically hallmarked by an increase in blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, most often the liver or kidneys. A significant level of protein in the urine (proteinuria) is no longer a criterion for diagnosing preeclampsia, and may ultimately delay diagnosis and treatment. Preeclampsia may be diagnosed without proteinuria when there are signs of damage to other organs.
Symptoms of preeclampsia may include, but are not limited to:
Remember that even a slight rise in your blood pressure may be a sign of preeclampsia. Women whose blood pressure had been normal or women who already have naturally high blood pressure may begin to see a change, usually after Week 20. Make sure you are evaluated at every visit to ensure that you are not exhibiting any signs or symptoms of preeclampsia. Call your health care team if you experience any symptoms of preeclampsia for the first time. If you are unable to reach them, go to the ER or the L&D to be evaluated by a health care provider.
“The earlier you know, the earlier you and your doctor can take steps to prevent or delay the onset of preeclampsia.”
HELLP Syndrome is a life-threatening pregnancy condition and considered a severe variant of preeclampsia. Approximately 45,000 women will develop HELLP syndrome in the United States every year. The physical symptoms of HELLP syndrome may appear to be preeclampsia; it may sometimes be mistaken for the flu or gall bladder problems. It may include one or all of the following:
The only cure for preeclampsia begins with the delivery of your baby. Your health care team will take many factors into account to manage your preeclampsia such as when to deliver, gestational age, the health of you and your baby and a careful evaluation of how the disease is progressing. Ultrasounds may be essential to monitor your baby’s growth and medications may be indicated for you. Hospitalization may also be required as your symptoms may unexpectedly worsen necessitating the need for the careful and precise monitoring of both you and your baby.
Preeclampsia Foundations states: “When we urge women to trust themselves, we are referring to the intuitive feeling that preeclamptic women often have that “something is not right.” While these feelings may be nothing, it is important for women to report any concerns and for care providers to be diligent, particularly if accompanied by other signs or symptoms.”
If left untreated, preeclampsia can be dangerous and even fatal for both you and your baby. To ensure your and your baby’s wellbeing and to reduce bad outcomes from preeclampsia, it’s important to:
For further information regarding the signs, symptoms, care, treatment and how both preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome may affect you and your baby, please visit the Preeclampsia Foundation and the Mayo Clinic.
The Preeclampsia Registry is the first and only global collection of detailed patient-reported information for use by researchers! If you would like to be a part of the solution to help accelerate the discovery of the causes and options for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of preeclampsia, please visit The Preeclampsia Registry.
A study conducted by the NIH and Ohio State University recently published in the journal Fertility and Sterility found a worrisome link between caffeine consumption and miscarriage. Quite simply, the data proves that couples who drank more than two caffeinated drinks a day during the weeks prior to conception had a greater risk that the woman would miscarry.
That’s correct — the research found that both Mom’s caffeine and Dad’s caffeine consumption could play a role in miscarriage! This study also confirms previous research showing that women who drink more than two caffeinated beverages each day during the first seven weeks of pregnancy are also more likely to miscarry. On the bright side, this study did show that women who took a daily multivitamin before and after conception appeared to greatly reduce miscarriage risk!
Did it ever cross you mind that maybe you should start taking prenatal vitamins before you even become pregnant? Of course you should always check with your health care team before you begin taking any vitamins or herbal products, as some may be harmful to your developing baby. But have you ever wondered if vitamins and supplements are really a necessary addition to pregnancy? Well the answer to both questions is unequivocally “Yes!”
The easiest and most effective way to start taking care of your baby is before conception. A healthy diet is always the best manner in which to get the vitamins and minerals you need but even if you eat a super healthy diet, the key nutrients you need may be still missing or not nearly enough. Remember that prenatal vitamins are a complement to a healthy diet, not a substitute for good nutrition.
Research tells us that your diet may affect your baby’s health even before you become pregnant and that taking a prenatal vitamin may actually help increase fertility, reduce the risk of birth defects, lessen bouts of morning sickness and minimize the risk of delivering a baby who is small for his or her gestational age! So a reassuring strategy is to simply take a prenatal vitamin prior to conception. This little indulgence allows your body to stock up on the most essential baby-making vitamins and be ready to nourish your soon to-be baby without leaving any nutritional gaps!
Once you are pregnant, how do you pick the best prenatal vitamin for your specific needs? If you did not take a prenatal vitamin prior to conception, compared to your normal vitamins, prenatal vitamins tend to contain additional nutrients. You’ll want to select first-class nutrients so reading labels and researching ingredients that provide the healthiest prenatal blueprint for both you and your baby will be well worth your time and energy! The selection is daunting so working directly with your health care team is prudent as they might suggest higher doses of certain nutrients depending on your circumstances. Always remember, do not take a supplement in addition to your prenatal vitamin unless recommended by your doctor.
Folic Acid helps prevent neural tube defects, the serious abnormalities of the brain and spinal cord that form in the first month of pregnancy usually before most women know that they are even pregnant. Due to this time frame of fetal development, it’s imperative that you begin consuming plenty of folic acid (aka vitamin B9) before pregnancy and especially in the first 28 days of your gestational journey. Doctors recommend women get 400 mcg of folate prior to conception; if your family history shows a high risk of neural tube defects, guidelines recommend targeting for 10 times that amount (or four mg.) from folic acid supplements. Eating wholesome amounts of folate-rich foods such as legumes, asparagus, beets, sunflower seeds, avocado, spinach, broccoli, oranges and breakfast cereals – as many advertise this enrichment right on front of the box – is key! Throughout your pregnancy a vitamin with at least 600 mcg of folic acid is recommended. You should also continue a folic acid supplementation of 500 mcg while breastfeeding.
Be sure to ask your health care team about taking prenatal vitamins and the correct amount of folic acid for you if you’re thinking about becoming pregnant, you are pregnant or you have a familial history of neural tube defects.
Iron is the mineral that is the building block for your baby’s cells supporting his or her growth and development. It helps prevent you developing anemia, a condition in which your blood has a deficiency of healthy red blood cells. If you become anemic while pregnant, your iron dosage may be increased.
The presence of iron in your prenatal vitamin may cause constipation. Always remember to check with your health care team for their advice and suggestions to avoid this problem. They may suggest that you increase your fluids and dietary fiber to 20-30 grams. Fiber is found in fresh fruits, whole-grain breads, cereals, and muffins. Always remember to drink lots of water when increasing your fiber intake. They may also recommend fiber tablets, fiber drinks or other high-fiber products, which you can purchase at your pharmacy or grocery store. Avoid laxatives unless you are advised to use them, and also castor oil as it may alter your ability to absorb nutrients.
If constipation becomes problematic, your health care team may prescribe a stool softener. Drinking ample amounts of water between meals will help to soften your stools and move food more easily through your digestive system as dehydration may make your constipation worse. Sipping on hot soups, teas, and broth to increase your fluid intake may be beneficial. Snacking on dried fruit is a way to increase the fiber you will need. With your health care team’s permission, exercise is extremely good for you and one of the most beneficial ways you can proactively help to lessen your constipation.
If constipation is not relieved, alternatives such as a supplement with no iron, a separate iron preparation that dissolves in the intestines rather than in the more sensitive stomach, or one that is slow-release may be introduced.
Calcium is another critical nutrient for women. Because your growing baby’s calcium demands are high, you should increase your calcium consumption to prevent a loss of calcium from your own bones. All women between the ages of 19-50 need 1000 mg. per day. Making sure your diet is abundantly supported with milk, yogurt, tofu, leafy-green veggies, cheese, black-eyed peas, calcium-fortified juices and canned sardines or salmon with bones will increase your calcium level. Check your prenatal vitamin label to make sure it includes calcium. If your health care team is concerned you’re not getting enough calcium, you are lactose intolerant or you dislike milk and milk products, it may be recommended that you take an additional calcium supplement.
Iodine will support your baby’s brain and thyroid development. Research tells us that American women are not receiving adequate amounts of this fundamental mineral. The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends that pregnant women cook with iodized salt and take a daily supplement of iodine for a total intake of 220 mcg every day. In choosing your prenatal vitamin, if it does not have any or enough iodine, you may be able to take a separate iodine supplement!
Vitamin B6 helps to reduce the likelihood of nausea and vomiting early in pregnancy. Prescription morning sickness drugs are a combination of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and doxylamine (an antihistamine).
Ingesting over 10,000 IU of Vitamin A can be toxic! If you decide to incorporate this vitamin into your diet, make sure you choose beta-carotene, the safest source of vitamin A.
Vitamin D, in combination with calcium, plays a double role in your pregnancy health. It’s needed to help your baby’s bones develop and also to keeping your bones sturdy. Your health care team may be worried that you are not be getting enough vitamin D as this is a shared concern among women. Your level may be screened at your first prenatal checkup around Week 8 to make sure you are not deficient. If your level is low, an additional supplement of 1,000 to 2,000 IU. may be recommended.
Zinc is a mineral that supports your immune system and healthy cell division.
This trace element is vital in forming blood cells and also preserving nerve, bone and immune system health.
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin (dissolves in water) and antioxidant that your body cannot store. The leftover amounts of Vitamin C will exit your body via the urine which means that you’ll need a new stock each day to make sure your baby’s growth and development thrives. Vitamin C is crucial in absorbing iron and supporting your immune system. It is abundantly found in all fruits and vegetables. Mega amounts of vitamin C are present in cantaloupe, orange and grapefruit juices, kiwi, mango, papaya, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and cranberries and watermelon. Veggies with the richest sources of vitamin C include asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, both green and red peppers, leafy greens such as spinach, cabbage and turnip greens, both sweet and white potatoes, green and red tomatoes and tomato juice, and winter squash.
It’s a given that the best food sources of vitamin C are available to you in uncooked or raw fruits and vegetables. Cooking or storing vitamin C-rich foods for long periods may reduce the vitamin C content, as does exposure to light. One simple choice to keep vitamin C levels high when shopping is to pick up orange juice that is in a carton rather than a clear bottle. In order to reduce your vitamin C cooking losses, decide on microwaving or steaming your foods!
Cereals, foods and beverages may be fortified with vitamin C meaning that a vitamin or mineral has been added to the food. Make sure that you always read the product labels to see how much vitamin C is in the product.
You must be careful in adding Vitamin C to your nutritional plan, as consuming more than 2,000 mg. can be dangerous for your baby. Don’t forget to discuss with your health care team any additional supplements for their recommendation you may need other than your prenatal vitamin.
Prenatal vitamins also contain two to three times the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for vitamin E (12 mg), thiamin (1.2mg), riboflavin (1.2 mg), niacin (14 mg) and vitamin B12 (2.2 mg) — and there are no known harmful effects from these doses. Various preparations also contain magnesium, fluoride, biotin, phosphorus, pantothenic acid, extra B6 and ginger (to help fight queasiness).
To insure your supplements meet your high standards, many organizations employ rigorous criteria for their dietary and prenatal supplements. So be wise and look for seals from the following organizations on your supplements:
Please remember this approval of standards is voluntary and not required by the manufacturers. Your prenatal supplement may not have one of the above seals. This does not mean it is not of high quality so it is always a good idea to discuss any supplements you decide to consume with your health care team.
What if your prenatal vitamin is hard on your stomach or difficult to take? One of the most common causes for difficulty in swallowing prenatal vitamins is the coating of your vitamin. Make sure your pill have a slick coating. It might be a good idea to take a vitamin minus the calcium as that adds bulk. If size is the problem, talk with your health care team about how you can add this vital mineral in other ways. Perhaps a tasty liquid or chewable variety may solve this problem!
Many women are nauseous after their morning vitamin. you can try to take your vitamin with food or a snack or maybe right before bedtime. If none of these solutions work, remember that there are lots and lots of vitamins out there, so don’t hesitate to try a different one!
If gas, diarrhea or constipation occurs, it may be a result of the additional iron in your vitamin. By drinking lots of fluids, eating fiber-enriched foods and making sure your don’t forget to exercise every day these difficulties should resolve.
You need to remember not to overdo it! More isn’t better when it comes to prenatal vitamins. Unless your health care team suggests and recommends additional supplements, stick with their recommended prenatal dosage of vitamins. The consumption of herbal supplements in any form should be discussed with your health care team before, during and after pregnancy to make sure they are recommended, safe and will not affect your pregnancy in any way.
A prenatal vitamin always complements a healthy well-balanced diet; it does not replace it. That being said, remember that it’s still absolutely important to eat a well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet throughout your pregnancy. Just think of your prenatal vitamin as a backup to your super-healthy eating and not the other way around!
Ask your health care team to explain the signs and signals of preterm labor. Always inform your health care team of any contractions that you experience.
“What is preterm labor, when does it begin and how will you know if you are having it?” Preterm labor occurs before your 37th gestational week. You are probably familiar with Braxton-Hicks Contractions which are erratic, feeble contractions varying in duration and strength and usually end when you relax, drink water, change your level of activity or alter your position. Braxton-Hicks contractions are considered “false” labor contractions.
You will need to be concerned about contractions which are different from Braxton-Hicks. A few indications that you may be experiencing preterm labor are contractions occurring at recurring intervals that are regular, contractions that may or may not become stronger, contractions including low backache, spasms, twinges or any other discomfort and contractions altering your vaginal secretions, for example, bleeding or spotting or water being emitted or oozing from your vagina.
“While some uterine activity before 37 weeks of pregnancy is normal, contact your health care provider if you have four contractions every 20 minutes or eight contractions in an hour…If you’re concerned about what you’re feeling — especially if you have vaginal bleeding accompanied by abdominal cramps or pain — contact your health care provider right away. Don’t worry about mistaking false labor for the real thing. Everyone will be pleased if it’s a false alarm.”
If you experience any of these symptoms, call your health care team and go to L&D or the ER for further evaluation. For further information on the signs, symptoms and management of preterm labor please visit the Mayo Clinic or the March of Dimes.
Did you know that the amniotic sac surrounding your baby usually ruptures during labor? You may hear your health care team comment, “When your water breaks” in anticipation of this natural phenomenon.
For about 15 percent of women who pass the Week 37 gestational marker, their membranes rupture before labor has commenced and this is known as Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM). When this takes place, no further intervention is usually needed, as labor tends to start on its own within 24 hours. If labor fails to begin after PROM, induction will be necessary as the longer you wait, the greater your risk of infection.
However, when your membranes rupture before Week 37, Preterm Premature Rupture Of Membranes (PPROM) occurs. This pregnancy complication is present in less than three percent of pregnancies but is associated with 40 percent of preterm deliveries and can lead to significant morbidity and mortality. The earlier PPROM occurs, the more serious it is for both you and your baby. This complication increases your chance of infection as well as the possibility of delivering your baby too soon.
The causes of PPROM are usually unknown in the majority of cases. You may be at risk if you have experienced any of the following:
The symptoms of PPROM can differ from pregnancy to pregnancy. The major sign to be aware of is fluid leaking from your vagina. Initially, you may experience a popping sensation, a gush, slight leaking or a feeling of wetness in your vagina or underwear. Women may mistake a slow leak of amniotic fluid for urine and not be alarmed. If you notice any leaking, use a pad to absorb the fluid. Then look at it and smell it. If you smell ammonia, it’s probably urine. Amniotic fluid is colorless with a sweet smell. As with any new or different symptom of pregnancy and to avoid confusion, call your health care team immediately to be on the safe side.
Your health care team will ask you about your symptoms and make the diagnosis of PPROM following an examination. Your cervix may have softened and possibly be beginning to dilate. The fluid leaking from your cervix will be tested to see if it is amniotic fluid, vaginal fluid, or urine. An ultrasound may also be done to measure the amount of amniotic fluid around your baby.
The primary risks of PPROM are:
If your doctor finds that you have PPROM, you may need to be in the hospital on bed rest until your baby is born. Your treatment plan will depend on various factors.
If you are between 34 and 37 weeks when your water breaks, your provider will likely suggest that you be induced; this may be done earlier if complications arise. It is safer for your baby to be born a few weeks early than it is for you to risk an infection.
If your water breaks before 34 weeks, it is more serious. If there are no signs of infection or labor starting, you may be put on bed rest. You will be closely watched and monitored for any signs of labor or contractions, and any sign of infection such as fever, pain or an increase in your baby’s heart rate. Your baby’s movements and heart rate will also be monitored.
Your treatment may include antibiotics to help prevent infections, steroid medicines that will help your baby’s lungs mature and tocolytic medicines to stop preterm labor.
Tests to check your baby’s lungs may be done such as an amniocentesis to check for infection or to see if your baby’s lungs are mature enough for delivery. When the lungs have matured, labor will be induced. Both you and your baby will be watched very closely.
If your baby is delivered prematurely, your health care team will guide you with the safest and best course of action. Once you deliver your baby, he or she will be sent to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for specialized care. However, if there is not a NICU where you deliver, both you and your baby will be transferred to a hospital with a NICU and care for you both.
Depending on your risk factors and circumstances, speak with your health care team about the possibility of preventing PPROM. Together you can discuss the potential benefits of progesterone supplementation, cervical cerclage and other possible treatments that may help your pregnancy reach 40 weeks.
For more information on PPROM, please visit University of Rochester Medical Center, WebMD and Little Heartbeats.
The Quad Marker Screen is a blood test that is performed between Weeks 15-20 of your pregnancy. This screen determines if you are at a higher or lower risk of carrying a baby with a birth defect such as Down syndrome, Open Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) including spina bifida, or Trisomy 18. This test predicts the likelihood of several potential problems with your baby and/or carrying your baby; it does not diagnose the problem.
The Quad Marker Screen measures multiple biochemical markers in the mother’s blood that are produced by the fetus and placenta during the early second trimester. A positive screen does not provide a diagnosis, but indicates the increased risk and the need for further evaluation. It is followed by an ultrasound, which may be your Week 20 ultrasound. Speak with your health care team to decide if you should consider having the Quad Marker Screen performed.
Should you begin sleeping on your left side when pregnant? There are pros and cons!
According to BabyCenter Sleep Expert, Donna Arand, Ph.D., Clinical Director of the Kettering Sleep Disorders Center and Associate Research Professor in neurology at the Boonshoft School of Medicine at Wright State University explains:
There is a debate as to which position is best for sleep when pregnant according to Dr. Collins. Should you take the position of the placenta into account? What if the placenta is positioned on the left side of the uterus?
The safest thing for you to do is to check with your health care team and see what position they recommend is best for you.
Did you know some pregnant women prefer an air bed for comfort? Air beds provide an adjustable technology creating a desired firmness or softness that accommodates a mom’s changing weight, dimensions and comfort levels. For more information on pregnancy and sleep, please visit BabyCenter and the National Sleep Foundation.
Stillbirth. A word noiselessly tucked away and believed to be almost nonexistent. Then surprisingly, an ultrasound is ordered. A baby is motionless; the heartbeat is absent. The devastation of stillbirth arrives crushing all.
Stillbirth is not a cause of death but rather a term indicating a baby has died in utero. Amazingly, there are over 35 classification systems for perinatal mortality worldwide, and shockingly there is no universal consensus on which one to standardize! This makes the gathering, compiling, comparing and frequency of stillbirth data extremely difficult to attain.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), stillbirth refers to the loss of a baby of twenty or more weeks gestation before or during delivery. Approximately, one out of every 160 pregnancies tragically end in stillbirth in the United States; this rate is more than ten times the number of babies lost to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Stillbirth is categorized by the CDC as either “early, late, or term:
The moms of Project Alive & Kicking (PAK) delivered their babies in silence in various parts of the county. Not one had considered stillbirth as even a remote possibility so it sounded feasible when reassured by their health care teams that stillbirth was a “rare and infrequent event.” As paths crossed and stories exchanged, a collective query evolved, “How can stillbirth be considered rare or infrequent when we have all lost our babies?”
The grim yet scientific realities of stillbirth began to surface. We learned that 26,000 babies were stillborn every year in the USA and this figure skyrockets to three million stillbirths globally. It was obvious these massive figures boasted of nothing “rare or infrequent;” they justifiably expose incomprehension and confusion.
Ignited by our new stillbirth reality, we quickly agreed that no one should ever have to experience our pain and isolate grief. The time had come to rein in stillbirth.
Marketing and Sales Coordinator, PAK’s Co-founder and President, Nicola Swanson lost her niece at 37 weeks due to an Umbilical Cord Accident (UCA). Her loss kindled a newfound passion for promoting pregnancy education and awareness for all expecting moms.
Now the mother of three, Nicola realizes that every woman’s pregnancy journey involves time, care, knowledge and determination. She stresses to all expecting moms that There’s More to Pregnancy Than You Think. Understanding yourself, your baby and every step of your shared journey is every mom’s daily responsibility.
In 2012 Project Alive & Kicking (PAK), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization was officially established. Empowering moms and saving babies became PAK’s number one priority. In guiding PAK’s quest to bring the peril of stillbirth resulting from an UCA to light, a carefully watched 40-week gestational journey with mom in the driver’s seat began to unfold. Prenatal knowledge, a newfound awareness of pregnancy and the tools needed to help expectant moms become proactive with their gestational journeys emerged.
We then learned that approximately 1200 women in the USA will experience complications during pregnancy or childbirth that prove fatal every year, and another 60,000 women will endure complications that are near fatal. Enter Maternal Morbidity and Mortality. Immediately we realized that the risks of pregnancy and delivery day are hidden alongside stillbirth. The Moms need to know!
Writer, editor, former lawyer, PAK’s Co-founder and Vice President Yelda Basar Moers lost her full-term daughter Olivia to an UCA four days past her due date. Yelda noticed Olivia’s movements had slowed down and mentioned this to her doctor at her last office visit. She was reassured by his words, “That babies slow down their movements at the end of the pregnancy.”
Searching for answers in the days and months following the loss of Olivia, Yelda attended an International Conference on Stillbirth, SIDS and Infant Survival in Baltimore, Maryland. She knows that the stars must have been aligned when she met Stacy Crews and Connie Hosker. After hearing about Project Alive & Kicking, Yelda wanted to get involved and turn her loss into positive energy by strengthening and empowering all pregnant moms and saving their babies.
Reflecting on Olivia’s stillbirth, Yelda admits, “If I knew then that cord issues and fetal distress could cause babies to slow down their movements, I would have insisted that he (her doctor) check her umbilical cord, or I would have pushed for more testing, more monitoring.” Yelda is now a firm believer in listening to her body and “to her Inner Voice that is sometimes whispering and sometimes screaming.” She penned PAK’s mission:
To empower expectant mothers by educating them about healthy pregnancies, fostering an awareness of their babies’ daily fetal movements, and the action they can take to help their babies come into the world thriving, alive and kicking.
PAK is here to help every mom have an amazing, fabulous, empowered pregnancy; and end stillbirth. Thanks to the Internet and social media, expecting moms are becoming inspired, knowledgeable and savvy. They are beginning to realize that stillbirth is a possible reality of pregnancy and they desperately want to keep themselves well while keeping their babies’ safe in utero.
Litigation Paralegal, PAK’s Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer Sarah Hosker was in London completing a study-abroad program when she learned of the death of her niece less than a month before her due date due to an UCA. This loss stirred her interest in raising pregnancy awareness.
Sarah’s knowledge of social media together with her love of reading and creativity were the perfect mix for her immersion in PAK. Sparking into every avenue of social media, PAK’s tagline “My Empowered Pregnancy” and mobile app, ME Preg became PAK’s pledge to every mom for a safe and healthy pregnancy.
Babies are lost to stillbirth not only from the Umbilical Cord, but also from Group B Strep (GBS), Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP), Preeclampsia and Gestational Diabetes to name a few. The CDC cites three broad categories contributing to stillbirth:
No race, income level, age group or ethnicity is immune to stillbirth. Although the causes of many stillbirths are unexplained or unknown, there are additional maternal risk factors that may increase the likelihood of stillbirth. These factors may not only increase the risk for a stillbirth but are also linked to serious pregnancy outcomes such as preterm birth. They include:
Certified Financial Planner, PAK’s Co-founder and Secretary Stacy Crews, lost her full-term daughter Carly Elizabeth at 38-weeks gestation to an UCA. We all know that Christmas time is a hectic time of year for all moms with little ones in school. Stacy was busy all day with her son’s school Christmas party and that evening reflecting on the day thought to herself, “Wow, she sure has been quiet.” Later she headed to L&D to be checked. “I clearly remember thinking that the hospital staff was going to laugh at me and call me crazy for coming in. I’m eight months along with a textbook pregnancy. People don’t just lose healthy babies at that stage of their pregnancy. I passed the 12-week mark a long time ago! The thought that she could die absolutely never crossed my mind. At that time, I didn’t even know that women lost babies this late in pregnancy, especially healthy babies.”
Stacy is a founding member of PAK believing in their mission to educate and empower pregnant moms. She learned that not every pregnancy works out as planned. We need to work proactively to allow our babies the best outcome at birth and, “WE ONLY GET ONE SHOT AT THIS!” Stacy sums up her thoughts, “PAK is dedicated and motivated to provide the kind of education that pregnant moms need in a way that no other organization or website I know of can.”
For most expectant moms, a healthy delivery day is the eagerly awaited outcome. However, one percent of all moms globally will endure the desolation and agony of their babies being stillborn. The passage of a stillbirth mom is fraught with heartache and grief of the most profound kind. Please remember that numerous stillbirth moms were never considered “high risk.” They were healthy, happy, walking encyclopedias’ of pregnancy know how!
So, is it likely you will encounter a woman who will deliver a stillborn baby at some point in your lifetime? Yes.
In most cases of stillbirth, mom will notice a decrease in fetal movement, or an unusual level of activity for her baby (an increase or decrease in fetal movement), or sudden changes in fetal movement. She may also suddenly realize that her baby is not moving; she cannot needle her baby to give a kick or a punch. After calling her health care team she visits their office or goes to Labor & Delivery (L&D). An ultrasound is ordered. A baby is motionless; the heartbeat is absent. The devastation of stillbirth arrives crushing all.
Because of stillbirth’s profound odds, being familiar with the steps to navigate the loss will provide comfort and peace in the days ahead for all concerned.
If stillbirth happens prior to delivery, mom’s health care provider may induce labor or perform a Cesarean section (c-section) to deliver her baby. In some cases, mom may wait and go into labor on her own, which may happen within two weeks of her baby being stillborn.
If mom is a religious or spiritual person, she may wish for someone in her family to contact her religious affiliation. If none is known but a religious presence is requested, most hospitals have a chaplain who will provide this essential support before or following delivery. The nursing staff will be able to assist with this need.
After delivery the reality of stillbirth sets in as mom’s physical healing begins. The hormonal changes taking place signal a baby has been born. Breasts will become engorged with milk and painful; nature will pursue a pre-pregnancy body. Mom should voice any concerns or questions regarding the days ahead with her health care team and nursing staff.
The decisions no mom should ever have to contemplate must now be made swiftly such as…
Will she see and hold her baby? Many parents do, many do not. There is not a right or wrong decision however, the current thinking is “Yes,” mom should see and hold her baby. Many moms decide to bathe her baby, have skin-to-skin time, sing a special song, and even read a book to her baby. Some want to create every memory possible to last them their lifetime. The nurses and religious personnel will help guide mom through her decisions if needed.
Photographs of the baby may be taken if mom chooses to see her baby. Family members may take photographs or Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep ( NILMDTS) may also be contacted to provide remembrance professional portraiture at no charge. If mom chooses to take photographs, she may want to consider a picture with each family member separately as well as a group family picture.
Thousands of hospitals around the world will provide mom with a “Cuddle Cot.“ This unique cot is a cooling cot giving the gift of time and enabling mom to keep her baby with her in her room.
A keepsake box including a lock of the baby’s hair, the blanket the baby was wrapped in and possibly hand and foot prints may be offered. Request this keepsake box be made for the days ahead.
In the hopes of preventing a future stillbirth and to gain further insight into the cause of stillbirth, parents will be encouraged to allow an autopsy to be performed on their baby.
A recent article, Placenta and Umbilical Cord Cause in Antepartum Deaths, concurred that in order to reduce the fetal death rate, parents and their health care teams must be given answers to the probable cause of a stillbirth. These answers may be pivotal for a subsequent pregnancy.
“We have to insist on the autopsy of the placenta and umbilical cord in order to gain the appropriate information in counseling the parents.”
Mom ultimately makes this determination. In the USA, state laws require the reporting of fetal deaths, and federal law supports national collection and publication of fetal death data. The National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) released the first ever report on cause of fetal death using national data in 2016.
With the help of her family and loved ones, the final choices of a special outfit for her baby to wear when leaving the hospital, the appropriate Funeral Arrangement and burial versus cremation decisions are now poignantly made. Countless hospitals are now allowing families to take their baby home in a cuddle cot to spend time with them before the funeral, if desired. Allowing families to take their baby home from hospital if they wish may help the grieving process.
Remember, the Bereavement Coordinator, nursing staff and religious personnel are a wonderful support system during this time and will be able to help with any questions and concerns that may arise.
Love, patience and understanding are essential in handling mom’s decisive wishes.
Enduring a stillbirth is a very difficult and emotional journey. Every mom should be offered guidance in coping with the loss of her precious baby while in the hospital. She should seek professional counseling and join support groups when discharged for the days ahead. PAK’s Medical Advisor, Dr. Jason Collins will be glad to speak with and answer mom’s questions regarding her baby’s stillbirth.
Mom’s next appointment in the weeks following her loss with her health care team will hopefully shed light on the cause of her baby’s stillbirth. If an autopsy was performed, explanations may exist. She may also wish to find answers to the following queries such as:
The arrival of a Rainbow Baby is an unparalleled experience. In the words of Jennifer Kulp-Makarov, M.D., FACOG,
“A rainbow baby is a baby born after a miscarriage, stillborn, or neonatal death. It is called a rainbow baby because it is like a rainbow after a storm: something beautiful after something scary and dark. It is an extremely emotional and devastating experience to lose a pregnancy [or baby]. To create a life or bring a baby into the world after such a loss is amazing like a miracle for these parents.”
Retired nurse and PAK’s Founder Connie Hosker realizes the need for all expectant moms to better understand their pregnancies. After losing her first granddaughter to an UCA she was determined to empower all expectant moms through awareness, a proactive attitude and vigilance.A level of the most undeniable love surfaces after a stillbirth. Connie understands that a pregnancy following a stillbirth is usually an absolute must although it will be fraught with anxiousness and trepidation.
Mom’s subsequent pregnancy will be considered “High Risk”. If her pregnancy is not considered high risk, she should discuss this concern with her health care team along with the option of transferring her care to a new team. As a high-risk mom, she will be referred to a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist for exceptional care and specialized attention that may include more frequent office visits, additional ultrasounds, regular monitoring and perhaps specialized testing.
PAK’s encourages every mom to use our free mobile app ME Preg that guides her through each week, month and trimester allowing her to work alongside her health care team. Mom’s newfound knowledge enables her to question what is not understood, voice any concerns, watch and count movements, and understand the necessity for increased monitoring if needed to be sure she and her baby are both doing well. PAK envisions this partnership becoming the new gestational norm with mom taking a very proactive role in her ensuing pregnancy.
If mom does not own a Smartphone, PAK’s My Empowered Pregnancy Checklist and Mom & Baby Tracking Chart are available online in both Spanish and English to record all of mom’s data.
Movements are key! Please note it’s a fact that a gradual decrease in fetal movement was noticed by fifty percent of mothers a few days prior to the death of their babies. A recent study in Norway noted a thirty percent reduction in stillbirth when pregnant women were encouraged to track fetal movement by their healthcare provider, and were told to immediately seek medical attention when they noticed any decline in their baby’s movements.
Beginning at Week 20 mom’s encouraged to keep a daily journal of her baby’s movements. Taking note of when her baby is stirring or slumbering is fundamental to her baby’s being well. Learning her baby’s daily routine enables her to move easily into Movement Counting beginning around Week 28.
ME Preg’s movement tracker kicks in at Week 28. Mom will track her baby’s movements two to three times a day with ME Preg and a record will be kept of her baby’s activities. If for any reason mom detects an unusual level of activity with her baby (an increase or decrease in fetal movement), notices any sudden changes in movement, or once movement counting has commenced mom’s unable to obtain the usual 10 movements in the normal amount of time, she will call and visit her health care team immediately to discuss any of her baby’s changes in movement and to make sure that her baby is well.
If mom is unable to contact or visit her health care team, she will go to Labor and Delivery (L&D) as most L&D units will see her immediately for Decreased Fetal Movements (DFM), or go to the nearest Emergency Room (ER).
Chef, Full-time Mom, PAK Co-founder and Board Director Amanda Karkut lost her first child Addison three days before her due date to an UCA. Compelled to help pregnant women become advocates for their own health and the health of their babies, she helped start Project Alive & Kicking. Amanda knew PAK could make a difference!
For more information on movement counting, visit My Empowered Pregnancy, My Third Trimester, Week 28 on this website. Download ME Preg to keep track of your movement counting; if you don’t have a smartphone, please print our Mom & Baby Tracking Chart in either English or Spanish.
Dr. Jason Collins is a member of PAK’s Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) and a huge proponent of Doppler and 3D Ultrasounds during the third trimester to monitor the baby’s umbilical cord and placenta. He advises these additional ultrasounds be done around Weeks 28, 32 and 36. An ultrasound will alert mom to any umbilical cord issues such as Nuchal Cords that may be present. Although many health care teams consider the nuchal cord not to be an issue, Dr. Collins attests that if a nuchal cord remains in place, it should be monitored throughout the duration of the pregnancy. If mom’s health care team refuses to do additional ultrasounds, she may visit her local “Boutique Ultrasound” such as Bond with Baby in Charleston, South Carolina to have them done. To find out more about nuchal cords and how this umbilical cord concern might impact mom’s pregnancy, visit My Empowered Pregnancy, My Third Trimester, Week 29 on this website!
So, how do we know that our babies are well when many stillbirths happen for no known reason? Dr. Mark Hosker, a board member and Chair of PAK’s Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) was blindsided in the summer of 2009 by the stillbirth of his first granddaughter. As a member of the medical field, he was shocked to learn that stillbirth is more common today than ever before. His newfound commitment to help the medical community and parents answer the questions about stillbirth for which there are little explanations or answers is his utmost concern.
Mark advocates empowering every pregnancy with prenatal knowledge trimester by trimester for a healthy outcome. He encourages expectant moms to work closely with their health care teams, attend all their prenatal visits and follow Dr. Collins’ concise ultrasound guide for visualizing the umbilical cord. He implicitly voices, “You know your baby best, so always trust your instincts”.
Stillbirth is an extremely challenging poignant journey. We understand what every loss mom is enduring. We have been there. Our hope is to empower you so that if you have a question, comment, concern or fear you will discuss it with your health care team. This partnership is invaluable for a healthy delivery day.
If you would like more information on stillbirth, please email us at, info@projectaliveandkicking.org or visit the CDC. For a list of organizations specifically dedicated to stillbirth, visit the CDC’s resource page.
Dr. McGregor advises that pregnant women avoid unnecessary, frequent or forceful cervical exams that may push bacteria closer to your baby; both vaginal or perineal ultrasounds in place of cervical exams are less invasive.
It is important that you discuss the benefits and risks of possible methods of induction with your health care team well before your due date. You may not be asked before “stripping” or “sweeping” of your membranes is performed.
Stripping or sweeping of your amniotic membranes is a technique performed by your health care team to try to jump start labor. During a regular office pelvic exam, the practitioner inserts a finger into the cervix (the mouth of the uterus) separating the amniotic fluid sac from the side of the uterus near the cervix. Hormones are then released which may soften the cervix preparing the uterus to contract. This approach will not put you into labor right away and may not put you into labor at all but it may start contractions and help the cervix open.
If you have tested positive for GBS tell your health care team not to strip your membranes. Be aware that although you may have tested negative for GBS initially in your pregnancy, you may test positive before your due date. GBS can cross membranes that are intact so stripping membranes or using cervical ripening gel to induce labor may push bacteria closer to your baby.
Some form of anxiety is normal for pregnancy, a time of high emotions, excitement, as well as nervousness. But did you know some women are absolutely terrified of pregnancy and anything related to it? Tocophobia, from the Greek tokos, meaning childbirth and phobos, meaning fear, is a pathological dread of pregnancy. Primary tocophobia affects roughly 13 percent of women who have never been pregnant. Though these women are desperate to have a baby, many will postpone or totally avoid pregnancy due to this pathological and irrational fear. Some will even terminate a pregnancy. Secondary tocophobia may be seen in women who have experienced a traumatic obstetric event, a termination of pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, a normal healthy delivery (and for some very distressing reason, she will not consider having another baby) or a depressive illness in pregnancy.
If you believe your fears of pregnancy are irrational, speak openly with your family doctor or health care team. Management of this condition is available through appropriate childbirth education, psychological counseling and support. As with any phobia, it can be treated. For more information on tocophobia, please contact your health care team.
The best time to receive vaccinations is before you become pregnant according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) so discuss this possibility with your health care team if this pertains to you. Vaccinations will help safeguard your body from infection and this protection passes to your baby during pregnancy. You are encouraged to have a preconception exam to make sure you are up to date with your “adult” vaccines; bring a copy of your vaccination record with you. If you don’t have this record, a simple blood test will let your health care team know what vaccinations you need. If you aren’t current, ask your doctor for the requisite vaccines. Women are generally advised to wait one month following any vaccinations to become pregnant. Your health care team may or may not advocate vaccinations during pregnancy.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the “risk to a developing fetus from vaccination of the mother during pregnancy is theoretical. No evidence exists of risk to the fetus from vaccinating pregnant women with inactivated virus or bacterial vaccines or toxoids. Live vaccines administered to a pregnant woman pose a theoretical risk to the fetus; therefore, live, attenuated virus and live bacterial vaccines generally are contraindicated during pregnancy.”
There are a few vaccines that are usually recommended before pregnancy. You may be familiar with three of the most common ones. The first is Influenza IIV (Inactivated). “Inactivated” means the vaccine does not contain a “live” virus. Vaccinations containing “live” viruses are contraindicated and not given to pregnant women per the CDC. The second recommended vaccine is Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis). This vaccine is not only recommended for you, but also relatives, close friends and caregivers who will spend time with your baby. The third is MMR (measles, mumps and rubella). Measles contracted during pregnancy may be dangerous to pregnant women and result in miscarriage.
Several vaccinations are given “if indicated” before or after pregnancy. One reason a vaccine may be indicated is because you have the potential for exposure to an infection. For example, your health care team may suggest you be vaccinated for rabies if you are a technician working in a veterinarian’s office and may possibly come in contact with a rabid animal. Another reason a vaccine may be indicated is that you have a medical condition that increases your risk for contracting an infection. One example is that you may have had your spleen removed (splenectomy). Your spleen helps your body fight infections so your health care team may recommend that you receive the Pneumococcal vaccine to prevent pneumonia. Some other vaccinations which may be given “if indicated” before or after pregnancy are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Meningococcal Polysaccharide/Conjugate, HPV (human papillomanvirus), Varicella (chicken pox) and Tetanus/Diphtheria (TD). Tdap is the preferred vaccination of choice over TD as it also contains pertussis (whooping cough).
The CDC states that if you are pregnant and not up to date on your flu vaccine, you may be at a higher risk for developing flu and flu-related complications. They recommend that all women who are or will be pregnant during the influenza season be vaccinated with the Influenza (Inactivated) vaccine.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) acknowledges the concern among pregnant women receiving Influenza (Inactivated) in a “multi-dose” form as it contains a small amount of mercury (thimerosal), a preservative. Although this vaccine has not been shown to cause attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or autism, the fear among expecting moms still exists. Routine vaccinations are available without the preservative thimerosal added. It is important that all pregnant women know that they may request their vaccination be free of this preservative if they so wish.
Every woman must thoroughly research any medication or vaccination recommended to her during pregnancy. Any concerns or the possible side effects of any medication or vaccination should be discussed with her health care team. Please refer to the March of Dimes and the CDC for more information on vaccinations before, during and after pregnancy, Guidelines for Vaccinating Pregnant Women, and breastfeeding and vaccinations.
If you are not current with your vaccinations, you have discussed being vaccinated with your health care team and you would like to be vaccinated, Dr. McGregor advocates being immunized around Week 28 for Influenza (Inactivated) and Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis). The Tdap vaccination is also recommended for relatives, friends and caregivers who will spend time with your baby.
The Tdap vaccination is suggested for relatives, friends and caregivers who will be spending time with your new baby.
If your baby has not arrived on time, please don’t be surprised or upset. Many moms have babies past Week 40; this is a crucial time during pregnancy as the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby is beginning to decrease and the placental function needed to sustain your baby’s life may be beginning to slow. You will need to discuss with your health care team the probability of when to expect your baby’s arrival or the possibility of planning your baby’s delivery day.
Ask, specifically, how long beyond your expected due date you will be allowed to wait if labor does not begin spontaneously? What additional monitoring will be implemented? Will special tests such as NSTs’ be performed on a daily basis? Will you have weekly or more frequent BPPs’? Is an induction necessary and if so, when? What exactly is involved in an induction? What about scheduling a C-Section? What is your health care team’s overall plan? What is their protocol? Sometimes the birth plan doesn’t go exactly as planned or even desired. If your plan becomes altered, you should be educated and familiar with your options ahead of time. This will help ensure that you are comfortable making the very best decisions for you and your baby with your team.
A healthy outcome for you and your baby is paramount after the 40-week gestational marker has elapsed. Pay extremely close attention to any changes in your or your baby’s health; this is key. Contact your health care team at any time with any questions or concerns you have until your baby is safely in your arms. Don’t forget to do your movement counting three times a day! A proactive, vigilant mom will feel empowered to ask the simple, yet important questions that can make a difference in her baby’s health. Operation Due Date empowers expectant moms by educating them about healthy pregnancies, fostering an awareness of their babies daily fetal moments, and the actions they can take to help ensure that their babies come into the world safe and healthy.
Your baby’s movements and heart rate will basically stay the same during the last trimester of your pregnancy. All moms need to continue being their baby’s guardian up until delivery day. Make sure you continue with movement counting ideally three times a day. Remember, a change in your baby’s movements such as speeding up or slowing down, or changes in sleep-wake cycles could be the sign that your baby is not well. Call your doctor, midwife, or health care team with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to reach them go to L&D or the nearest ER to check on your baby. Always trust your instincts.
This amazing week will be one of your baby’s most important. After completing your 20-week ultrasound, you will be equipped with vital information. This ultrasound closely examines both your baby’s anatomy and the environment within the uterus.
All of your baby’s structures will be studied, focusing on your baby’s organs and skeletal system. Congenital Cardiac Heart Disease (CCHD) is the most common congenital disorder in newborns. During this ultrasound, nearly half of the babies with CCHD will be diagnosed. Once your baby’s is delivered, make sure you request a simple 5 minute pulse oximetry test to ensure that your baby’s heart is beating flawlessly and oxygenating maximally with no signs of CCHD. The latest research advises waiting for this screening until your baby is 24 hours old or waiting until as close to discharge as possible. Your baby’s right hand or right foot is used during this screening. For further information on CCHD, please go to The National Institute of Health and Wolters Kluwer Health, UpToDate®, a clinical decision support system.
The umbilical cord and placenta should be carefully assessed for normal development and position, according to Dr. Collins, and EPV rechecked. Dr. Collins encourages every mom to begin a journal at this time blueprinting her baby’s movements. Get to know your baby and start taking the time to jot down when your baby is stirring or slumbering. Daily journaling will enable you to become familiar with the movements of your little one so your baby’s daily routine will become second nature to you. Knowing your baby’s patterns of movement will enable you move easily into Movment Counting, which will begin around Week 28. The amniotic fluid volume is evaluated as part of your antepartum fetal surveillance and the sex of your baby is determined at this time.
Remember, have fun counting your baby’s ten fingers and ten toes! Discuss all the results of your ultrasound thoroughly with your health care team, addressing any findings or questions you may have. If there is a concern with any aspect of your 20-week ultrasound, they will schedule a more advanced ultrasound and further testing.
Request an ultrasound around this time to examine the umbilical cord and placenta for normal development and position. If your ultrasound is not covered by your insurance, use your Pregnancy PUR$E to help fund this test.
According to Dr. Collins, who has been researching Umbilical Cord Accidents (UCA) for over 25 years, it is typically during Weeks 28–30 when a problem could arise with your baby’s umbilical cord. He also believes an ultrasound at this time could detect a potential problem, making it a useful tool. The umbilical cord is a definite risk factor during the later part of your pregnancy and could compromise your baby.
Both Drs. Kliman and Uma Reddy, MD, MPH, Medical Officer Pregnancy & Perinatology Branch, Eunice Schriver National Institute of Child and Human Development, concur that UCAs, including nuchal cords, true knots, twists, torsion, kinks and long or short cords, account for 16 percent of the 26,000 yearly deaths in utero in the USA. That is at least 71 untimely deaths each and every day in our country. Dr. Collins states a UCA is not a “rare condition or event” and should be watched for especially in the last trimester of pregnancy.
If a problem is seen on your baby’s ultrasound with the umbilical cord or placenta, a plan of action needs to be decided upon with your health care team. Examples of close monitoring include repeat office visits, ultrasounds, Fetal Non-Stress Tests (NSTs), Biophysical Profiles (BPPs), Doppler Ultrasound, very diligent movement counting and daily home fetal heart rate monitoring offered by companies such as Genesis Obstetrical Home Health Care Services.
Your health care team may determine that your baby should have further monitoring following your 28-week ultrasound or maybe you are considered high risk. Don’t panic! It is comforting and reassuring to know your baby is healthy and stable thanks to the frequent monitoring. The four main reasons for monitoring your baby are to ensure that your baby is comfortable in utero, to ensure that your baby’s heart rate is normal and steady with no significant decelerations (decels) present, the placenta is working efficiently and not appearing to be aged, and to ensure that there are no signs of preterm or premature labor present.
“Most women who notice a decrease in movement will still have a healthy outcome,” says Obstetrician-Gynecologist Ruth Fretts, M.D., MPH, Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and Chair of the Stillbirth Review Committee at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “The biggest concern is when it happens repeatedly.” Dr. Fretts reminds every mom that as her pregnancy advances and her expected baby has less space, the kicks won’t be as strong and obvious. But if it takes you more than two hours to count 10 movements, your health care team should be called. She says a Fetal Non-Stress Test (NST) is necessary to confirm your baby’s heart rate, “This rules out a life-threatening emergency, but it doesn’t address the underlying reason for decreased movement.”
Unfortunately in the United States ultrasounds will be performed only about 20% of the time in these situations, so mom will need to assert her proactive skillfulness requesting one is done. With a normal NST, movement counting should be completed and kept track of every day. Mom should never hesitate to be evaluated every time a problem is perceived.
If the thought of counting and charting your baby’s movements makes you nervous, remember that movement counting is the safest and easiest course of action that every mom can take to monitor her baby’s movements on a daily basis. This simple concept is also free and non-invasive. Studies inform us that being attentive to your baby’s movements and informing your health care team of any changes such as speeding up or slowing down, or changes in sleep-wake cycles will decrease the likelihood of having a stillbirth. Ask your health care team for the signs that your baby may not well and their protocol for such signs.
Request an additional ultrasound now to examine the umbilical cord and placenta for normal development and position. If your ultrasound is not covered by your insurance, use your Pregnancy PUR$E to help fund this test.
Dr. Collins believes an ultrasound at this time could detect a potential problem, making it a useful proactive pregnancy tool. The umbilical cord is a definite risk factor during the later part of your pregnancy and could compromise your baby. As mentioned in Week 28, UCAs, including nuchal cords, true knots, twists, torsion, kinks and long or short cords, account for 16 percent of the 26,000 yearly deaths in utero in the USA. That is at least 71 untimely deaths each and every day in our country. Dr. Collins states a UCA is not a “rare condition or event” and should be watched for especially in the last trimester of pregnancy.
If a problem is seen on your baby’s ultrasound with the umbilical cord or placenta, a plan of action needs to be decided upon with your health care team. Examples of close monitoring include repeat office visits, ultrasounds, Fetal Non-Stress Tests (NST), Biophysical Profiles (BPP), Doppler Ultrasounds, very diligent movement counting and daily home fetal heart rate monitoring offered by companies such as Genesis Obstetrical Home Health Care Services.
Your health care team may determine your baby should have further monitoring following your 36-week ultrasound or maybe you are considered high risk. Remember, it is comforting and reassuring to know your baby is healthy and stable thanks to the frequent monitoring.
The four main reasons for monitoring your baby are to ensure that your baby is comfortable in utero, to ensure that your baby’s heart rate is normal and steady with no significant decelerations (decels) present, the placenta is working efficiently and not appearing to be aged, and to ensure that there are no signs of preterm or premature labor present. And continue movement counting ideally three times a day until your baby arrives.
All women considering becoming pregnant must be aware of the Zika Virus. Current research on Zika is in its infancy globally. There is a correlation with pregnant women infected with Zika and microcephaly; babies born with abnormally small heads.
It is spread by Aedes mosquitoes. They are found throughout the Americas except for Canada and Chile where it is too cold for them to survive. The World Health Organization (WHO) expects Zika to spread throughout the Americas, but other scientists have warned that countries in Asia could face large outbreaks too.
The CDC updated its Zika virus guidance for pregnant women, advising them to protect themselves if their male sexual partner has traveled to or lives in an area where Zika virus is circulating as sexual transmission has been confirmed.
Deaths are rare and only one in five people infected is thought to develop symptoms. These include:
The link between Zika virus, pregnancy and microcephaly has been confirmed. Microcephaly is when a baby is born with an abnormally small head, as their brain has not developed properly in utero. The severity varies, but it can be deadly if the brain is so underdeveloped that it cannot regulate the functions vital to life. Children that do survive face intellectual disability and developmental delays.
As there is no treatment, the only option is to reduce the risk of being bitten. Health officials advise people to:
The mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so people are also being told to empty buckets and flower pots. The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has advised pregnant women not to travel to affected areas including Latin America and the Caribbean.
The CDC issued an early-release Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)(www.cdc.gov) in July, 2017 updating its short-term guidance for health care professionals that care for pregnant women with probable Zika virus exposure.
Please remember “the CDC’s definition of possible Zika virus exposure(www.cdc.gov) — that is, from ‘travel to, or residence in an area with risk for mosquito-borne Zika virus transmission, or sex with a partner who has traveled to or resides in an area with risk for mosquito-borne Zika virus transmission’ — remains unchanged.”
The CDC’s MMWR offered the following key recommendations:
Director General Dr. Margaret Chan states that the priorities are to protect pregnant women and their babies from harm and to control the mosquitoes that are spreading the virus. Dr. Chan reaffirms that pregnant women should not travel to countries affected by Zika and to seek advice from their doctors if they are living in areas affected by Zika as well as protect themselves against mosquito bites by wearing repellent.
Currently, there is a concerted global effort to develop a vaccine for the Zika virus that will protect the general population against its adverse effects.
For more information on Zika virus, please visit Zika Virus: What It Is, Affected Countries, Symptoms, Treatment and More [Guide.]