Move Baby Move

Week 27

Estimated reading time: 1 min read

Yes! The end of the second trimester is here. Your baby’s lungs and liver continue developing along with his or her immune and nervous systems. Two voices in baby’s world are now familiar and recognizable, those of the baby’s parents.

You will notice the movements of your baby continuing to increase. Get ready for movement counting to begin in Week 28.

Your baby has now grown three times in size since Week 12. Steadily developing, maturing and thriving in utero, your baby now weighs about 2 pounds.

Your Baby’s Pediatrician

It’s is never too early to begin looking for a pediatrician for your baby. Your choice is key. It’s one of the most important decisions you will ever make for your baby. Begin planning and researching early on, before your due date, asking your doctor, friends and family for recommendations. It’s also a good idea to check the candidates names you’ve selected with your state’s medical board for any disciplinary problems.

Once you’ve selected your baby’s potential pediatricians, you can begin setting up interviews. Your interviews will be brief so have your questions ready to go and ask the most important questions first! For more information on this extremely important interview, visit The Bump.

Your Newborn: Baby Proofing

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Researching and preparing your baby’s safe and secure home environment will help bring you peace of mind beginning on delivery day. Keeping your baby as safe as possible is vital. It’s never to early to start baby proofing your home to keep your little one safe as he or she grows.