Posted By  Sarah L. Hosker, on

Are you heading out for a walk with your infant on a warm summer day? A new warning has parents talking about “stroller shade.” All parents want to protect their children from the sun, but did you know covering your stroller with a blanket during these hot summer days can be dangerous for your child?

According to pediatrician Svante Norgren, from a Stockholm children’s hospital, “It gets extremely hot down in the pram, something like a thermos…There is also bad circulation of the air and it is hard to see the baby with a cover over the pram.”

As mentioned in The Huffington Post Canada: “Babies and children are very sensitive to heat, and their bodies can actually heat up three to five times faster than adults. Additionally, kids don’t sweat as much as adults do, which means they can’t cool down as quickly either. This, combined with the fact that babies and young kids can’t communicate when they are hot, can result in dangerous consequences, especially if they are left unattended in a stroller.”

Let’s go over the tips on how to avoid heatstroke in babies:

“Dress your baby in lightweight, loose-fitting clothing.
Try to keep your baby in the shade when outside — and check to make sure that he’s staying cool during car rides.
Give him more fluids than usual on hot days.
If the temperature is especially hot, keep your baby inside if you can.
If your home is very hot and you don’t have air conditioning, seek comfort at a public library, the mall, or a community shelter provided especially for relief from the heat.”

It’s also important to know the symptoms for babies with heatstroke?

“Your baby may first show signs of heat exhaustion, which is milder. You may notice that he’s unusually thirsty or tired, or that his skin is cool and moist. If he’s old enough, he may complain of leg or stomach cramps. If your baby’s heat exhaustion progresses to heat stroke, he may have any of the following symptoms:

A temperature of 103 degrees Fahrenheit (39.4 degrees Celsius) or higher — but no sweating
Hot, red, dry skin
Rapid pulse
Headache (which may make him irritable)
Rapid, shallow breathing
Lethargy (Your baby might not respond as strongly as usual when you call his name or tickle his skin, for example.)
You’ll also want to watch for signs of dehydration.”

So before you venture out on your next walk with your infant during a hot summer day, you may want to invest in a stroller umbrella.

Author: Sarah L. Hosker

Sarah Hosker is a paralegal in Chicago, Illinois. Her interest in raising pregnancy awareness sparked when, in the summer of 2009, she learned of the passing of her niece less than a month before her due date. Together with friends and family, she Co-founded Project Alive & Kicking (PAK). Sarah is committed to volunteer work in the community and is an active member of at St. Teresa of Avila Parish. She also enjoys traveling, beachcombing, antiquing, visiting museums, photography, following the English Premier League and is a fan of the University of Georgia (UGA) football team. Sarah lives in Chicago, Illinois with her husband, Ali.

1 Response on“New Warnings about Stroller Shade”

  1. Thanks for this new baby stroller warning about stroller shade. This really helpful. As a new mom I really had no clue what to warning about stroller shade.In this case, the umbrella stroller is best for baby shade. Thanks again for sharing this post. I like your post.

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